How to get confident in approching woman, ask her phone number. Seduction and dating advice for men.
Now, let's talk about confidence...
The 3 Cs of confidence
If you look in a book shop, you'll find plenty of books on confidence. Lots of people read them, but when it comes to it, how many people are actually perceived as confident by women in a pick up situation? Let's take that perspective. We all know that women want a confident guy. That wasn't much help to me when I was growing up, I knew what they wanted but didn't know how to give it to them. It needed it to be broken down in a little more detail. That's what I'm going to do right now. We are going to look at this from the perspective of an attractive woman in a bar or night club.She's looking around the room and she is making a judgement of whether the guys look confident or not. Who is she drawn to? Guys with good body language could be one answer. Guys who are attractive could be another. A better answer is: Guys who look confident. What determines if a guy looks confident in a night club. It's very easy...he looks COMFORTABLE. That is why the first C of Confidence is....
Comfort in the Environment
It is impossible to look confident if you are uncomfortable and it is impossible to look unconfident if you are comfortable. Therefore there is 100% overlap
Examples: It is impossible to look confident if you are uncomfortable and it is impossible to look unconfident if you are comfortable. Therefore there is 100% overlap. The barman, DJ, and bouncers and known to do very well with women. They are the most comfortable guys in the place because they are there every night and the environment can't phase them anymore. Let's get something clear - the barmen are not high status guys. The other guys in the club could be millionaire business men wearing $10,000 suits and buying bottles of Crystal. The barmen earn very low wages, and are not successful high status guys in any way. It's purely that they look comfortable. There is no other secret to it.
How to get there: The pick up environment where you will normally show a lack of confidence at first glance is the club. People don't often feel nervous when they are walking down the street or shopping. However, in a club, the pressure is so much more intense, and this is even more of a problem with high-end venues. What we need to do in this case is simple de-sensitisation. Pick a club and a day of the week and go there. Go with friends or on your own. Your mission is not to talk to anyone or do any gaming, but purely to become comfortable in the environment. Learn the layout, start to see familiar faces, you can even have some casual conversations with staff or people that are close by.
The key thing to do is to get comfortable and start treating the place like you do your own house. Sit or stand comfortably in a low-energy, chilled-out way or genuinely enjoy the music and move around without caring what others think or being too much "in your head". Those are the only two modes of behaviour in the club. Nothing in between will look comfortable. If you are trying to look like you enjoy the music by tapping a foot out of rhythm or nodding your head because you think you should you won't look right When you first go out, be very observant, notice the guys that look comfortable and the ones that don't. See things from the woman's point of view.By removing the pressure of the need to pick up or talk to women, you can start to enjoy the environment and create positive associations with it, rather than viewing it as a high-pressure place where you MUST game. Now that you have the first C of confidence.
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Monday, July 28, 2008
How to get confident in approching woman, ask her phone number.
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6:30 PM
Labels: Intermediate: Being confident
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