How to Overcome Rejection and eliminate the root of approach anxiety.
Curing Rejection...In evolutionary terms people needed to function as a group to survive. Rejection is a tool of conformation and a psychological force of control of action. It is likely that...
Here follows an essay that describes how to overcome rejection. It's my personal journey, though I think that it has some new ideas to offer people in terms of the stages of the process. I hope that you will all gain from it.The following may help some of those struggling kick off their game. Feedback much appreciated
Well to any of you RAFCs out there you've heard us say it before:
'There is no such thing as rejection'
But did you get it? Do you understand how that phrase can be real to you? Or are you still, as I believe many of those just waiting to crack the psychological barrier are, trying to accept what we say while harbouring a secret belief that you're trying to believe a lie.
Well what we are saying is true and I can prove it to you. Lets start with a simple question.
'What is Rejection?'
The answer to this question seems simple: social disapproval and shunning. You get excluded or lose social status within your social group.
'Why do we fear/dislike rejection?'
In evolutionary terms people needed to function as a group to survive. Rejection is a tool of conformation and a psychological force of control of action. It is likely that some genetic factors influence our psychology to make it so pervasive as it is in adult life. However, despite the predisposition to develop it being partially genetic it is ultimately a result of life experiences and social conditioning.
"Is rejection a force in the real world?"
It's controlling you right now isn't it? Perhaps the question we need to ask is more profound.
"Is rejection itself real?"
No. It's entirely in your head so-to-speak. Thats why we can all say 'there is no such thing as rejection' and accept that and the reason you are not yet comfortable with it. Put simply that statement is a statement about the SPEAKER'S reality which makes 100% sense to them. If you feel a conflict with your beliefs about reality it's because you havn't learned how to believe that statment yet. Since it's all in your mind believing there is no rejection is the same thing as there not being any such thing.
"How can I stop feeling rejection?"
Ok, now we're getting profound. There are several approaches. I'd do them all if I were you.
The most fundemental arrises from NLP: Change your beliefs. Create memories that support it. You'll find a lot of hypnosis tracks useful in achieving this. Work on installing an internal locus of control. Not looking to anyone else for approval and other LEADERSHIP qualities (that's right - leaders are people who get the evolutionary exception to the rejection problem -they MUST be willing to make decisions from their own stand point).
Desensitisation - a psychological technique. Basically you're exposing yourself to the situation so often that you learn to disassosiate the feeling of rejection from approaching women. So the answer here is make the plunge. However there is more than one way to desensitise and we will talk about other arrangements which will make it more effective.
Psychological desensitisation is also possible. Imagine situations first. Visualise them, go through with it until you feel comfortable in your mind. You're training yourself slowly out of the problem.
The next stage up is to imagine doing things when you're in the situation you would normally do them get yourself as close to doing them as you can and stay in that state. If you push yourself in that way often enough it may help. However there will come a time when you must stop yourself doing this as this technique can be used as an excuse for not actively desensitising yourself. Don't let this technique be your secret reason for failure. Like all these things they are crutches to get you walking - nothing more.
"Yeah... I'm supposed to signal"
"Wow... not only do you not know where the world's greatest non-Olympic pool is, but you suck with public transport..."
"Well I WAS kind of distracted..."
"Are you one of those chicks that stands on the street at night... waiting for taxis, or are you the sort that books one in advance?"
"Oh you should have seen me at the weekend, every taxi in Leeds was trying to pick us up."
*Arm Kino* "Well maybe I should see you next weekend when I pick you up... you'll love my ride..."
"Oh really... what ride is that..."
"Oh it's a Number 921 Double Decker Arriva..." (The bus she'd just missed.) (She belly laughed)
*Kino* "Look I'm going to Headingley on Friday, checking out town with some friends Saturday... Sunday I'm back at Hi-Fi for the bands... so which is best for you?"
"Busy boy aren't you..."
*Testiculate* (Like Gesticulate) "I work hard... party hard." (I think I adjusted my crotch as I said that... I always subliminally associate my groin area with a PARTY...) I think it works. There's a party going on in my pants & all HBs are invited to it.
*Major bodyrocking* "So I'm gonna be doing lengths in about ten minutes & you're going to stand here waiting to miss another bus or..." (There's one length that she oughta do... girls want sex, have that in your mind when you sarge.
"Well yeah I'll be out Saturday but..."
*KINO* "Forget the boyfriend, we'll keep it a secret... in fact, I could just kill him & wear his skin."
*Takes step back* "Omigod! You psycho."
*Kino* "Sorry, just watched Texas Chainsaw Massacre AGAIN... it's just that girl that runs all over she's so... yeah."
"I was just going to say it's my friends 21st..."
"Ah well, hey, good talking to ya..." with a smile I turned my back on her & started walking slowly.
One... two... three... F
"Well aren't you going to ask me for my number?" I stop, turn around... Head tilted to the side & down but looking directly at her... lift my head up high maintaining eye contact, then break & stare at the clouds as if considering this.
*sighs* "Ahhhh, she's alive... (Walking back just two paces) I whup it out..." (My phone you perverts) "Ok what is it?"
She gives me her number...
This is EZ. All you need is confidence & confidence is built with experience & knowing yourself & what you're capable of.
Ask a chick what her favourite colour is. When she tells you, argue with her... tell her she's wrong, "Not correct sorry. It's actually pea green."
"What? It's Purple."
"Nope... it's green... sucks to be you." Play with her. Afterwards say, "OK I'm being an asshole because I'm sick of everyone LOVING me all the time. Just for a change I wanted someone to disagree with me.... would you like an argument?"
"No thanks..."
"Yes you would?"
"What is with you, I don't want an argument... why would I?"
"Because you love it... you're arguing with me right now..."
"No, YOU'RE arguing with ME..."
"You started it..."
"Lying about your favourite colour..."
"Green! ... Hey, thanks, that was a GREAT argument... I needed that. Are you allowed to make friends?"
C / F playful. Like you played when you were a kid. Only now the first chance you get, the kino is on. Make kino your nature. That doesn't mean go around GRABBING girls. Just accompany some of the things you say with a sweet little touch of warmth. The arm, her knee if she's sitting down. Don't leer over people. Join their eye level. If she's sitting, sit also & mirror her. If she's stood then get ON HER LEVEL. Tilt your head when she speaks, show interest but don't complement her beauty unless she's a Warpig, make her feel good about something if she has LSE. If she's a 10 & loves herself, bring her down. Don't do what every AFC does. Don't try to arouse her sexually. Do arouse her curiosity. Get some NUMBER CLOSES. Get some kiss closes. Lower yourself to the Tic Tac routine if you must
You don't need to take any of these lines... live your own way & make things your own. READ some more MM ebooks & get out in the field & just talk to people. Any people. Practice opening up conversations with guys if you have to... get USED to approaching. Heck if your confidence is that bad, approach ANIMALS, freaking pigeons if you have to. Practice what you would say. Daft isn't it... they're just animals... so are girls... & you can have her gawping at you like an excited puppy when you get the approach down. APPROACH SOMETHING. Come up with your own material & field test it one night a week every week. Be INTERESTED in LIFE so you will BE INTERESTING then you wouldn't have to ask these questions. You'd live life to the full that you could enchant her pants off just by telling her about your visit to the dentists. Be like Mystery, stack routines & patterns... know so much about MM that you can sail through the nine stages... be like Juggler: MAKE THE MUNDANE INTERESTING. Ultimately... BE YOURSELF... the best version of yourself that you can be. HAVE FUN. This is game. It's fun. Enjoy it. It's like Snowboarding; no one's punishing you if you fall on your ass. You'll get better each fall. There's no failure, just lessons to learn. Obstacles to overcome. Be the prize. Let her chase you. Now go, get out & sarge, approach anything that moves. Approach every girl you see that you wouldn't kick out of bed... Why are you still here? SMASH YOUR COMPUTER! GET OUT! *Head Explodes*
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-approach anxiety and how to overcome it.
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