Friday, April 11, 2008

Pua Openers: "G-String" opener. How to pick up tips and dating advice #011

Openers for Puas: "G-String" opener. How to pick up tips and dating advice #011

Opening using "G-String" Opener.

What is "Opener"?

It's a form of pick up line, but not as cheesy and most of them are proven to be effective or field proved. It is basically a conversation starter, an excuse to talk to a person, and the beginning of the getting to know each other process.

The “G-String?” Opener by Badboy

G-STRING (Badboy) "Hey guys, you won't believe what's going on with a friend of mine and his girlfriend. They've been dating each other for six months now, and my friend really loves her. But they had this big fight a few weeks ago, and she went to visit her mother to cool down.

While she was gone, my friend was so depressed, that he ended up hooking up with some random girl he met in a club.

Anyway, a few days later, his girlfriend comes back, and she finds this girl's thong panties in the bathroom, and she KNOWS this thong isn't hers.

So she confronts my friend on this, and he lies and says that the panties are his! And that he likes to dress up in women's underwear. So I don't know if his girlfriend knew he was lying and just wanted to punish him, or if she really is into this or not, but she said she thinks that's really kinky and wants him to wear women's underwear around the house.

So he's been doing this for a few weeks now and is absolutely… MISERABLE!"

"So I think he should just come clean and let his girlfriend know what happened. What do you guys think? How important is trust in a relationship? Or do you think some things should remain hidden, even if it means being miserable?"

By Badboy

*How to use OPENER:*

Many men often ponder what a good way of approaching women is and think they must learn magic PUA Openers that hold the key to the kind of success with women that they wish to enjoy to become successful with women. Of course, we all know that what’s going on on the inside manifests itself on the outside, so no matter how good your lines it is true to say that how you deliver it will matter more.

Some of the lines need to be delivered with feigned sincerity, curiousness, or playfulness. The delivery is what ensures that you get the right result.

PS: From my experience, it doesn't really matter what line you use...when you are comfortable enough with yourself and social can start talking about anything savvy.

About BADBOY What is his Students Have to Say

“If you want to break free of the matrix and rid yourself of fear, sign up for the workshop. I am fortunate enough to be able to travel frequently and experience many things but this was the most exciting experience I've ever had. If I could go back, I would have opened more sets the first couple days. I was sick afterwards from the amount of energy constantly surging through my body during those days. During the workshop you are going to feel like the fucking man sometimes, and trust me, sometimes you will hurt- but it is all worth it.”

BB lifestyle really helped me to master my inner game, what it teaches is a kinda attitude and it incrementally accelerates gradually, I mean BB lifestyle provides all the crucial elements in attitude creation you need to know. With your existing routines/or continously update your rountine pack and strategies. You will truely master the GAME. So if any one of you out there would like to be a natural, you MUST come to BB lifestyle's workshop.”

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