How to be irresistible to any woman: Dating Tips for men
How To Make Women Think Other Women Want You
Many a man falling a few hundred feet short of possessing "conventional" good looks has sparked sexual tension in beautiful women.
But these women didn't necessarily feel an iota of attraction for these guys..You ever experience this before? I certainly have. You’re bantering with a woman. You know she’s feeling the tension – and diggin’ it. But she’s not quite attracted to you. Something is missing.
A precondition for creating attraction in women is what I call Prizability.
Prizability is having enough value in a woman's eyes that if you walked away from her or didn't validate her, she'd take it as a loss.
For some women, the sight of a bald, fat man transforms what’s between their legs into a super soaker.
However, these same women perceive characteristics like "large stature," "muscular physique," and "a full head of hair" as more Prizable than "short," "bald," and "fat."
That's because what women see as Prizable is usually defined by social proof... how valuable they think others perceive something as being.
For example... A girl might think some guy is about as appealing as a saucer of goat cum.
But if her friends see him as a Prize, she'll start seeing him as a Prize as well.
Shouldn't women just open their legs for whatever turns them on? Isn't this whole Prizability thing superficial?
Maybe so... but it's damn important to women.
Just take a look at online dating profiles.
Most beautiful women request only tall, dark and handsome men with high paying jobs reply (and some women sporting bodies the size of a mini mart have an even more grisly "man quota").
If you feel nature short changed you. If you think the elephant man would trounce you in a beauty contest. Don't worry. There's hope. I promise.
Imagine a woman looking at a photo of two guys: one's tall, dark, and handsome; the other, four foot eleven, balder than Mr. Clean (if that’s possible), and 100 lb. overweight.
Obviously she's gonna see the first one as having more Prizability.
But let's change one variable...
The second guy is surrounded by beautiful women while the first guy is alone.
Chances are… she's going to see the second guy as having higher Prizability than the first.
Because of a psychological trigger hardwired into a woman’s brain called “social proof.”
Whenever other attractive women want or like a guy, she perceives that guy as having more Prizability – and most likely will start wanting him as well.
Maybe she’s one of those fuck-the-system, think-for-yourself kinda gals who believes she’s impenetrable to peer pressure?
Doesn’t matter. Most of the time social proof operates outside of conscious control.
Here are two ideas that might have popped into your head...
1). Showing a woman a photo album of you with other girls within the first five minutes of meeting her.
2). Hitting the nightlife with a harem of women in tow.
3). Make every girl at the bar swoon over you before approaching the girl you want.
The first idea might work. But personally, I think it can come across as a little - actually a lot - needy.
The second idea can work big time. In fact, I've used it before. The problem is... this only works if you have a network of females wanting to be your wing women.
Third idea: Another one I've used. Similar to number two, it works like a charm. Alas, you need some uber game to pull this one off. For most guys, this is just out of the cards.
But there's an alternative that's just as - if not more - powerful...
Built into the structure of male-female interactions is a Meta Frame. Think underlying meaning or subtext.
The Meta Frame defines one person as the Prize; the other, as the one trying to win the Prize over.
(If you've heard me talk about the Meta-Frame before, keep reading. In a minute, I'm going to share a crucial piece of the story you probably have NEVER heard about.)
I should warn you... this underlying meaning is not internal but external.
In other words, just believing you're the Prize, doesn't make you the Prize (though, as you'll see later, it can help).
Instead, your words and behaviors attempt to set the Meta-Frame and her reaction determines if she buys into the Meta-Frame… or vice-versa.
Socialized women have a know-how yet usually unconscious understanding of men’s behaviors, actions, and reactions to them.
That's why this whole frame game often happens below conscious awareness.
Let's look at an example...
Imagine a guy strolls up to a woman and spits his best lines at her and she rebuts with, "Sweetie... I don't mean to be rude, but I only date wealthy men," and then turns her head the other way.
He attempts to save his self esteem from drowning in a suicidal gloom by telling her, "You have NO idea how much money I make. I drive a brand new Lamborghini and live in a mansion."
He might consciously think to himself, "What a dumb bitch. I'm better than her. And she'll never get a guy as rich as me. She's trash."
But unconsciously he’s fallen into her meta-frame.
She attempted to set the meta-frame that she's the Prize he's trying to win over when she said, "Sweetie... I don't mean to be rude, but I only date wealthy men."
By him qualifying to her about his money, he submitted to her frame.
In his gut, he knows it. But he's come up with a backwards rationalization about what happened. He might consciously think he really put her in her place.
But unconsciously he and the woman agree that she's the Prize and he's a groveling bitch trying to win her over.
For years, I've been teaching guys how to establish themselves as the Prize while interacting with women. Why? Because it's brought me and thousands of my students heaps of success with women.
Every so often, I get an email from a guy saying, "Swinggcat, I tried setting the Meta-Frame that I'm the Prize but the girl turned into a rhymes-with-witch and walked away."
Here's what happened... and this is something I haven't shared with most of you... so keeping reading…
When you set the Meta-Frame that you’re the Prize, be on the lookout for congruency tests. Tests to see if you’re congruent with being the Prize.
Why do women test?
Some women are skeptical of every man they meet being the Prize. Thus, they congruency test all males.
Sometimes our attempt to set the Meta-Frame as the Prize isn’t congruent... and women pick up on that. Maybe we're a little nervous or unsure of ourselves.
Another thing that motivates a woman to test is when a man tries to establish himself as the prize yet doesn’t have the characteristics she associates with high value.
Passing this test has to do with social proofing yourself to the girl but probably not in any way you're of.
A few weeks ago I was with a buddy of mine in Hollywood California at a popular nightclub.
He approached these two girls and they immediately gave him attitude. One of the girls looked at him and said, "Ew... uh... we're about to go get drink in 30 seconds."
So I attempted to set the Meta-Frame with, "Look... we hardly even know you guys and you're already trying to buy us drinks, so you can get us drunk and take advantage... how rude!"
She congruency tested me with, "You really think you're all that. I'm getting a drink, bye."
I respond with, "You starting shit punk?! Put up your dukes." Then I put up my hands like I was ready to fight her and cracked a smile.
She started giggling. I spun her around. Hugged her. Tickled her. Pushed her away… and so on. She was in my Meta-Frame. I was the Prize.
Quick break down of what happened...
I attempted to pull the girl into my frame. She congruency tested me.
I didn’t get scared, think I disrespected her, grovel, or apologize.
Doing these things would have pushed me into her Meta-Frame. Even worse, she’d have inferred that I’m not desired by other women.
Women view your beliefs, behaviors, and reactions to them as a history lesson on how past women have treated you.
My reaction to her congruency test was almost not a reaction at all. Instead of getting angry, emotionally upset, or proving myself to her, I interpreted her congruency test as her joking around with me. And I playfully joked back.
By not emotionally reacting to her, I communicated to her this… Because I’m accustomed to women treating me as the Prize, I’m incapable of processing anything to the contrary.
As result… Not only did she end up in my Meta-Frame but believed many women perceive me as a Prize they wanted to win over.
Because she’s hardwired to want and like what others want and like, she viewed me as a Prize she wanted to win over.
In this article I introduced to you one of many many ways to use the Meta-Frame.
For example… there are ways to use the Meta-Frame that tap into heaps of other triggers in a woman’s brain that give you the power to unconsciously marshal her thoughts and behaviors in the direction you choose.
Using these techniques are so effective it looks like voodoo to the untrained eye.
But the reality is… it is just simple science.
I always laugh when guys look over at me and whisper amongst their friends: He’s got that girl in a spell. That’s magical.
There’s nothing mystical about it. Just plain old fashion psychology.
But they probably will NEVER figure this stuff out because they aren’t as insane as me. I spent years interacting with thousands of women to discover these secrets.
Because so few men are as crazy as me, only a fraction of a fraction of the male population knows about these secrets.
.... LEARN more: From the best in England.
Get some training from these guys!!! You too will have the power if you have the will.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Dating Tips for men: How to be irresistible to any woman
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11:43 AM
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Dating Tips:Ten commandments for successfully picking up woman and scored!
Pick Up Women: Ten commandments for successfully picking up woman and scored!
The Ten Commandments of Natural PU ...4. Idea. It is not sufficient to be a man. You must become an "idea". Women are attracted to ideas, not men. ...
1. Connect. Genuine connection with another person should serve as the basis of your game. It doesn't matter how good your techniques are if you can't achieve a genuine connection.
2. Positive. Always work to increase the positivity of interactions, and strive to improve the emotions of the people around you. Trying to hurt people only destroys your own value.
3. Now. The immediate moment, the "now" is always more important than any previous moment. Never allow yourself to get stuck in previous moments during the pickup, regardless of what happened.
4. Idea. It is not sufficient to be a man. You must become an "idea". Women are attracted to ideas, not men. Once you determine what YOU stand for, your "idea", make EVERY SINGLE element of your game congruent to that. Everything you do, say, how you dress, your mannerisms, your techniques should serve to reinforce that "idea". Any deviation from your "idea" is a leak in your game that needs to be fixed. This accounts for why some techniques work for some people and not others.
5. Reveal. When using techniques and routines, you must communicate yourself through the techniques, not hide behind them. Many men got into the game because they had a fear of letting women see the real them. Routines and techniques have become a very convenient veil that they could hide behind. Don't let this happen.
6. Value. Demonstrations of value should flow naturally from the reality of your life. Value is built, not fabricated.
7. Vibe. Value is largely perceived as a vibe which is sensed on a subconscious level. How long does it take you to figure out if you like a person or not? 1 minute? 30 seconds? Some of my most memorable relationships came from 1-3 minute number closes.
8. Focus. The nature of your thoughts is the first determinant of your outcome. Your mental "focus" always takes precedence over structure. Never sacrifice your focus in order to follow a generic linear path.
9. Spontaneous. Life is unpredictable. Contingencies always come up. Since women will pay attention to your reactions in all kinds of different situations, your game is only as good as your spontaneous conversation and behaviors.
10. Time. Time is irrelevant to pickup. If you spent 30 minutes with a woman, but the last 5 were boring, you would have been better off venuechanging / getting a number at the 25 minute mark. If you have a problem with flaking, you don't need to spend more time, you need to improve your vibe.
Summary: Use your time wisely. Be positive, spontaneous, focussed, in the "now"; connect, vibe, reveal your real value, and become an idea in her mind.
The Secrets of the Alpha Man program is THE map to finding yours. How to be sexual and turn her on.
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7:53 AM
Labels: Beginner: Ten Commendment
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Dating tips, Not to do list for men or you will NOT get laid.
Dating tips, Not to do list for men or you will NOT get laid. FIVE RULES of Old School Courting that YOU MUST NEVER do!
These are probably established by women themselves...BIG MISTAKES!!!
Myth #1: Being an Attractive Man Is Always About Appealing To What Women Say They Want.
If you are one of those vehement supporters of this myth, you should get a noose and hang yourself - you'll be better off. Trying to get a woman to like you by attempting to live up to her ideal preferences in a man is a one way ticket to transforming your ego into a proverbial punching bag. Women prefer tall dark handsome rich men, packing dogs with garden hose length and telephone pole girth. Oh, furthermore, if you don't want to fall short of their expectations you better be lumbered with chiseled abs and a copious bubble butt. If your rump isn't up to par, you could always get silicon butt cheek implants. But forewarning: Your black-and-blue rear will be so sore that you won't be able to sit down for a month.
As those of you know who have been reading my newsletters and have read my book: Attraction is not what a woman says she wants. If attraction was what women say they prefer, then I wouldn't know short, bald, fat, and broke guys experiencing massive success with women. But I do.
Attraction, contrary to this, is about you creating the emotion inside women of wanting, chasing, and reaching for more of you. Although my short, bald, fat and broke Casanova buddies don't fill the quota of the "ideal man," they do manage to generate the emotion inside women of wanting, chasing, and reaching for more of them. And this, my friend, is why they are massively successful with women. The art of creating this emotion in women is what I call PRIZING. My book is chockfull of different techniques for PRIZING women, some of which are Open Loops, Tension Loops, Challenging & Qualifying, and Meta-Frames.
One of the best things you can do to set the groundwork for PRIZING women is to make them strive to fill the quota of your ideal female. So, when you're out with a woman, don't behave like a spineless little worm, asking her questions such as: "How am I doing with you?" Instead, when she behaves in ways that go against your standards and expectations of women, let her know that she is losing points with you - and losing points quickly!
Myth #2: If A Woman Is Of Higher Value Than You She Is Not Allowed To Be Attracted To You.
This one actually rings some truth. Let me explain. If you see a woman and immediately, in your mind, consecrate her as a Goddess amongst Goddesses you must bow down to, you are figuratively butt ramming yourself, because you are setting the frame that she is the Prize, not you. As those of you who have read my book know, women do not feel attraction for men who are not the PRIZE. Viewing a woman you have just met as a Goddess amongst Goddesses is fine, as long as you perceive yourself as a God amongst Gods and abstain from bowing down to her.
What is the lesson to be learned? Objective value doesn't exist, only perceived value does. Although women are usually not attracted to men of lesser value than themselves, you can do a lot to increase your value. Whenever interacting with a woman, a Meta-Frame - or underlying meaning - is established, determining your value in relation to hers. When you allow a woman's perceived value to intimidate you, or make you feel of lesser value than her, you are unknowingly establishing the Meta-Frame that she is the PRIZE, not you. So the key is to stop fretting about some aspect of her being of higher value than some aspect of you, plundering you of your self-esteem. When interacting with a woman, if you ever feel ugly to her beauty or pedestrian to her sophistication or like a retarded little spaz to her sense of cool...or whatever, change your focus of attention. See the bigger picture. Realize that when first meeting a woman you paint a picture in your mind of who you think she is, based on a few aspects you observe about her. This picture usually ends up being way off base. Learn to take control of your perceptions: If you feel intimidated by her beauty, imagine what she looks like in the morning without her makeup; if her sophistication renders you tongue-tied, consider that she might be putting on an act to impress you; if you start worrying about how much older you are than her, imagine how much worse she's going to look when she's your age...and so on.
Myth # 3: If You Want To Attract Women You Have To Act Like You Enjoy And Are Interested In The Things That They Enjoy.
This pathetic little myth is really a product of the collective dating advice for men self-help books for sale at a bookstore near you, touting men to develop the personality of an obedient lapdog.
This myth couldn't be further from the truth. Women are attracted to men, not little puppy dogs.
Hypothetically speaking, let's say you are dating a girl who has a thing for musical kitsch: think Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera. You, however, despise this kind of music and would prefer the sound of nails on a chalkboard to this crap. What should you do: Pretend Britney's great or tell her what you really think?
Although counterintuitive, pretending to like something you don't genuinely like is unattractive to women.
Likewise, having a willingness to express what you hate can redound in women finding you very attractive.
Exceptions, of course, do exist. For example, specific activities have been deemed by our culture as having a high social value. You might, for example, prefer reading comic books over participating in these activities. There could be consequences, however, to not participating in them. In one of my upcoming products, I touch on these activities. I will probably publish a newsletter in the near future addressing these activities.
Furthermore, I am not suggesting that you jettison all of a woman's interests and tastes that you do not share. Doing this will turn you into a creepy control freak and you will probably end up becoming a very unhappy, boring person. Only being around people with the same interests and tastes as you, will stifle your growth as a human being - diversity is good. I personally love to be around people that introduce me to things I don't know a lot about. This is how I develop new interests and grow as a human being.
My gripe is with men faking an interest in something as a means to get someone to like them. Doing this is really handing your balls over on a platter to the other person. Don't do this. Don't give away your power. It is one of the most unattractive qualities you can possess.
Myth # 4: Women Don't Like Sex And Will Only Sleep With You After You Go Through Great Lengths Courting Them.
This one really makes my skin crawl. My life experience keeps reaffirming that beyond the shadow of a doubt this myth doesn't even contain a smattering of truth. Women love sex and can be as aggressive as men when it come to obtaining it.
If you doubt this, make some female friends who are not interested in you. That way they won't be concerned with how you judge them, allowing them to shed their ladylike pretenses and talk candidly about their sexuality. Warning: This lurid peek into the female sexual psyche might frighten you - it isn't for the faint of heart. What you will find is that women are as sexual as men...if not more. Also, I wouldn't be surprised if these women told you about how much fun quickies, one-night-stands, and meaningless sex can be.
Many women hold off on sleeping with men because they lest being judged as sluts. It can be quite powerful to tease women about acting sexually forward or aggressive towards you. Acting genuinely concerned, though, about a woman's sexually promiscuity can transform a sexually adventurous woman into a frigid prude.
Most men I know who are unbelievable at quickly getting women into bed have a knack for making women feel comfortable expressing their sexual habits and promiscuity (Note: This is, of course, in the context of women you've just met. You probably wouldn't want to encourage this kind of promiscuity in your wife or girlfriend).
Myth # 5: If You Aren't Currently Good With Women You Probably Aren't Going To Get Any Better.
Simply not true. I don't believe this myth for a second. Over the years I have known many hopeless sad-sack losers who no one believed in, transform themselves into some of the most skilled ladies men I have ever seen. In many cases these guys ended up more skilled with women than natural ladies men. This is probably because they had a burning desire to get a foothold on this area of their life.
This self sabotaging myth is disseminated primarily by shrinks, guys who've had little success with women, and ladies men.
I know a few guys who were told by their psychiatrists that if they weren't good with women, they probably weren't going to get any better. And that they'd be better off compromising by settling for a less than desirable woman. One of these guys stopped seeing his therapist and is now doing fantastic with women. He gets a gold star for firing the bastard.
Some guys down on their success with women will try to feed you all sorts of negative rhetoric, such as: "if you are not already successful with women, you are not going to get any better." These guys will infect your mind. Avoid them like the plague.
Some ladies men will try to mystify their abilities by making you think that they are blessed with some unattainable God-given talent. Often times this is an attempt to exalt their abilities at the expense of your self-esteem. Don't take that crap. You're better than that.
All of the disseminators of this myth are thought viruses that will infect your mind, sabotaging your self-esteem and future opportunities with women. If you currently have any of these people in your life, KICK 'EM TO THE CURB.
It is an understatement to say that I believe in you; I am convinced that you can succeed with women.
By Swinggcat
The Secrets of the Alpha Man program is THE map to finding yours. How to be sexual and turn her on.
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7:17 AM
Labels: Attraction: NOT to do list
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Do woman really attracted to POWER and MONEY? What do women attracted to?
Why do woman attracted to POWER and MONEY? Is it conscious or subconscious?
Power is the biggest aphrodisiac of all time. This was true in the earliest days of the caveman period, true in Egypt, Greece and Rome, and it's still true today.Women in particular are hugely attracted to power. In different historical times, the display of power took different forms; if you go back to caveman days the most muscular hunter had the power, in Rome the senator with the most connections, and nowadays social status, the car you drive, and the amount of money you have signify your power. But the strange thing is that there are guys in today's society who have money, and drive wonderful sports cars but don't get laid. They are afraid of even approaching hot girls.
If you could see me approach a hot girl in a club you would see power. The girl I approach is going to know she is not dealing with an excuser. Especially in a night-time venue, the way you communicate when you start your seduction must be full of power; eye-contact, tonality, your posture, the way you move, your attitude. As soon as a girl detects she has more power then you have, that she is stronger than you, all your chances are destroyed. By nature man is supposed to be stronger, to be the one who has the power. When you approach a girl with the mindset that you are weak, and she is strong, you are immediately pushing the girl into an unnatural position for her, a position where she is supposed to have the power. And as she knows she is not supposed to have power, it feels unnatural for them so they blow you off.
Girls are fascinated and obsessed by power. It makes them feel safe, protected and therefore able to open up sexually. Recent studies have shown that orgasms take place in the brain for women, and in order to have an orgasm they must let go of fear and anxiety and trust their partner totally.
When a girl is around a powerful man, she surrenders her body and spirit to him. She is feeling safe, protected, and turned on by his power all at the same time. Just take a look how girls behave around celebrities and other guys who possess power. They don't think, they just surrender their bodies and mind to them. Surrender is the key to female sexuality; power is the cornerstone of male sexuality. Yin and yang.
So how do you go from being weak, afraid of approaching hot girls, to being confident within yourself and radiating power? Think about approaches you may have done in the past; you will see that success or failure was often all about your power, your conviction when you did them. When you got blown out it's often because the girl thought 'another weak man – get lost'. How sure you were of yourself, and how sure you were that the girl would be open to you, all come into play here. Pull yourself out of the matrix - realise that you are the prize, the man is the prize. Approach and deal with girls from that mindset of being the prize, the rock-star, the king of the jungle.
Also, the more you stop thinking and obsessing over your troubles – how unworthy you are, how terrible your life, your concerns over the future... the more you compress your life into the immediate moment and seize all its opportunities... the more power you are going to feel.
Power is just concentrated energy and we lose energy all day worrying. I want you not to listen to your own thoughts, which haven't got you the success you deserved, but the thoughts and mindsets I am describing to you here. When you turn a girl around with a sly smile on your face. When you tell her, without any excuses, that you find her beautiful and you will get to know her. When you talk to her emotions, and avoid boring talk. All of these things are going to demonstrate your power as a seducer, and a man.
Your power is going to come from feeling happy, and in control of your life.By
By Badboy
Boys from these Camps are the best I've ever encounter! Want video coaching clips? Check out the free Badboy Lifestyle School!
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7:18 AM
Labels: Basic: Understanding woman
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Dating Advice Tips, Self esteem: check yourself for men.
Self Esteem Is Critical To A Healthy Sexual Relationship
After my nine year marriage ended in 1992, I was determined to find out what I had done wrong. Why did my marriage fail? I read every book about relationships that there was. I went to a counselor. I talked to hundreds of recently divorced women. I dated a number of them. Some of them I got along with wonderfully, some not so. And then I dated a woman who I got along with incredibly well. With her I had everything I didn't have in my marriage. I had an intellectual connection. I had a deep emotional connection. And she was more than happy to do all sorts of wild kinky things with me. It was great.But I was too recently divorced to be capable of a long term relationship. So I went through sort of an early mid-life crisis where I dated nothing but 21 year old women. Some of them I got along with wonderfully, some not so.
Then I started to see a pattern begin to emerge. The women that I had gotten along very well with, who I connected with, who did wild kinky things with me, were women who had a very high self esteem. And the higher the self esteem, the better the relationship, and the sex.
I began to understand what I needed to have, and why my marriage failed. There was nobody to blame. I assumed full responsibility. I had chosen wrong. I had chosen her simply because she was smoking hot, with no regard to her character. She had a low self esteem. Believe it or not, she could only see the faults in herself, while men would stare at her everywhere she went.
What I had learned on my own was not in any of the books I had read. Over the next many years, I refined my understanding of why self esteem is so critically important to the health of a sexual relationship.
The most comprehensive discussion on self-esteem I have seen is by Nathaniel Branden at He articulated it well when he wrote: "Self-esteem is an experience. It is a particular way of experiencing the self. It is to move toward life rather than away from it; to move toward consciousness rather than away from it; to treat facts with respect rather than denial; and to operate self-responsibly rather than the opposite."
He defined self-esteem as "being competent to cope with the challenges of life and of being worthy of happiness. It is confidence in our ability to learn, make appropriate choices and decisions, and respond effectively to change. It is the experience that success, achievement, fulfillment, and happiness are right and natural for us. It is a consciousness to trust our self. It strives for rationality, coherence, clarity, and truth."
He defined six practices of a healthy self-esteem:
1) Living consciously: Respect for facts, open to new knowledge and feedback, and seeking to understand the world and ourselves.
2) Self-acceptance: Realism applied to self. The willingness to own, experience, and take responsibility for our thoughts, feelings, and actions, without evasion, denial, or disowning.
3) Self-responsibility: Realizing that we are the author of our choices and actions; that each one of us is responsible for life and well being and for the attainment of our goals.
4) Self-assertiveness: Being authentic in our dealings with others; treating our values and persons with decent respect in social contexts; refusing to fake the reality of who we are or what we esteem in order to avoid disapproval; the willingness to stand up for ourselves and our ideas in appropriate ways in appropriate contexts.
5) Living purposefully: Identifying our short-term and long-term goals or purposes and the actions needed to attain them.
6) Integrity: Living with congruence between what we know, what we profess, and what we do; telling the truth, honoring our commitments, exemplifying in action the values we profess to admire.
"What all these have in common is respect for reality."
What we call high self-esteem and low self-esteem, Nathaniel Branden calls self-esteem and pseudo self-esteem. He defined pseudo self-esteem as: "trying to compensate for deficiencies; a pretense at a self-confidence and self-respect; the effort to protect self-esteem with denial and evasion, which only results in a further deterioration of self-esteem."
Pseudo self-esteem can be easily identified by: "the defensiveness with which insecure people may respond when their errors are pointed out, or the extraordinary feats of avoidance and self-deception people can exhibit with regard to gross acts of non-consciousness and irresponsibility, or the foolish and pathetic ways people sometimes try to prop up their egos by the wealth or prestige of their spouse, the make of their automobile, or the fame of their dress designer, or by the exclusiveness of their golf club."
Traits of pseudo self-esteem include: delusional, ignorance, denial, evasion, betrayal of consciousness or conviction, lack of integrity, grandiosity, fantasies of superiority, conceited (exaggerated opinion of oneself,) boasting, arrogance, and the victim mentality of blaming others. What all these have in common is the lack of respect for reality. But the biggest indicator is the angry denial of low self-esteem or the denial that self-esteem is significant or desirable.
There is no black and white, and there are various degrees, but at the extremes, I have found the following to be true of high self esteem (HSE) women and low self esteem (LSE) women:
- LSE women are insecure and seek validation from men. - HSE women are secure in themselves and have nothing to prove.
- LSE women have a bottomless pit of emotional need that can never be filled. - HSE women are self fulfilled.
- LSE women will manipulate a man to make him meet her needs. - HSE women know exactly what they want in a man, and when they find one enjoy who he is.
- LSE women are quick to obtain their man's tokens of devotion, such as expensive gifts or immediately requiring a monogamous relationship. - HSE women are suspicious of expensive gifts early on, and do not decide that they want a relationship with the man until she gets to know him well.
- LSE women would steal a man if it would give her validation. - HSE women are not at all interested in another woman's man.
- LSE women trade sex for attention and for verification that they are attractive and worthy. - For HSE women, sex is about sharing and celebrating sexuality.
- LSE women respond to being treated poorly in an attempt to prove their worthiness. - HSE women expect to be treated well and respond only to that.
- For a LSE woman, it's not about the man, it's about her own needs. - For a HSE woman, it's about what her and her man enjoy together.
- LSE women blame their problems on other people. They have the victim mentality. - HSE women assume personal responsibility for their own lot in life.
- LSE women are motivated by moving away from bad. - HSE women are motivated by moving towards good.
- LSE women must control others by manipulation. - HSE women see that as unhealthy.
- LSE women are drama queens. - HSE women seek harmony.
- LSE women have a warped sense of deservedness. - HSE women have a healthy sense of deservedness.
Self-esteem is formed early in life and takes years to develop. A woman's biggest influence in her developing years are her parents, and it is her father that has the most important influence. It is through him that she acquires the ability, or lack of ability, to have an emotionally healthy relationship with men.
A woman who had a close relationship with her father when she was a little girl is what I call a 'Daddy's Girl.' Her father was loving and caring. He believed in her and supported her. He taught her to be self reliant, independent, and to believe in herself. He may have even taught her how to throw a baseball or throw a punch. She thus grew up with a high self-esteem, a healthy relationship with men, and a good sense of deservedness. She is thus emotionally healthy and believes that she deserves to be treated well by men. Interestingly, she is also very skilled at influencing men and making a man feel emotionally close to her.
Her relationship with her father goes through stages. As a little girl, she loves him dearly and looks up to him. When the taboo instinct sets in at about age 14, she becomes independent from him and sees him as the biggest dork in the world. By the time she matures into the age of legal adult, she again adores him and cares about him dearly. But at any age, she always wants him to see her as innocent and pure, and she wants him to continue to be proud of her.
This is in contrast to another woman who had a condescending or absent father. Such a woman is incapable of forming a deep emotional bond with a man. She has a bottomless pit of emotional need that can never be filled. She believes that she deserves to be treated poorly by men, though she expects being showered with attention and material gifts. She is often spotted in the company of men that view women as objects.
Her relationship with her mother is also important. I have known daddy's girls who had mothers that were total emotional basket cases and made very bad decisions for themselves. In those cases, the young women tend to make bad decisions for themselves. To a large extent, women tend to repeat the same successes or failures of their mothers. Such daddy's girls display some of the typical traits of a daddy's girl, but they make mistakes such as having no direction in life. The very best women are those who had two good parents in a good relationship.
A Daddy's Girl has a good sense of deservedness. Deservedness is what a woman believes she deserves for herself. She believes that she deserves to experience wonderful pleasure, and she believes that she deserves you. She will be your best ally. She will be rooting for you.
The opposite is a bad sense of deservedness. (Note: everybody has A sense of deservedness.) An example of a bad sense of deservedness is a woman who stays with a controlling or abusive man. Therefore, one of the quickest ways to obtain much information about a woman is to note the men she associates with.
If the woman does not have a good sense of deservedness, you will be forever frustrated, your energy will be constantly drained, and the relationship is doomed. She cannot appreciate a good man when she has one. She will sabotage the relationship and eventually leave for some scum that she believes she deserves. If you aren't a psychiatrist or a therapist, there's not much you can do about it. And even then, if she's not motivated to self improvement, it's futile.
Someone once asked me "What is the equivalent in a man? Is it his relationship with his mother?" This recent post on the Internet may shed some light:
"I'm 34, I've slept with over 100 women. I haven't developed strong feelings for any of them, until my first girlfriend. She recently broke up with me. After the breakup, I became obsessed. I emailed her constantly, tried to get in touch with her all the time, started chain smoking and drinking, thought about suicide, stopped eating for a week, stopped sleeping, stopped exercising. I had only one goal: GET HER BACK and MARRY HER! I also realized that I communicated to my girlfriend the same way I communicated to my mother as a child. My mother would insult me, criticize me, yell at me, threaten to leave me. And I would never respond. I would tell her nothing, even though I wanted to say many things to her. I can see now that my entire life has been lived with the fear of intimacy and abandonment by a woman. That is why I'm good at pickup - I leave the emotions aside and go for the close. Only problem is: that has become totally empty to me now. I've had enough sex with multiple partners. I'm ready to be with one woman only."
As you can see, self-esteem is critically important for a healthy sexual relationship. And just because a woman is smoking hot, does not mean she has a low self esteem or a high self esteem. Similarly, just because a woman is average looking does not mean anything about her self esteem.
Over the years I developed reliable ways to determine which women have a high self esteem. One of the best and most reliable tests for a good self esteem is to pay her a compliment and see how she responds. If she belittles the compliment or down plays it, I know she has a low self esteem. The compliment will tend to break rapport, as it should. But if she takes the compliment well, such as responding with a genuine "Thank you!" then it may be possible that she has a good self esteem. The compliment will tend to increase rapport, as it should.
The Secrets of the Alpha Man program is THE map to finding yours. How to be sexual and turn her on.
Posted by
7:31 AM
Labels: Inner Game: Self Esteem
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Dating opportunity is everywhere. Talk to girls everywhere!
Dating opportunity, single women are everywhere. Talk to girls everywhere!
If you look and feel great, then you won't have any trouble with this. If you see a girl, looking in the window of a store, waiting for a bus, sitting on a train, in the next aisle of a movie, shopping in a department store, and for any reason this girl appeals to you, strike up a conversation, start talking to her about anything that comes to mind. With more experience - #close or *close right there, in the street. So set yourself a goal of talking to girls at the supermarket, laundromat, at a concert, while standing in line at the movie, sitting at the bar, on the bus, standing in the street, in the elevator, just anywhere and everywhere.
Taken from "Sweep women off their feet...": "The most important thing for you is to talk to women everywhere, about anything until they no longer intimidate you. When talking to women no longer intimidates you, something special will happen. You will find yourself having non-threatening conversations with beautiful women all the time, and better yet, those conversations will naturally turn into seduction mode even without a conscious effort on your part. And once you stop thinking about seduction, you will find yourself just doing it. You will begin to see the change in women's behavior towards you."
..... LEARN more: From the best in England.
Get some training from these guys!!! You too will have the power if you have the will.
Posted by
7:14 AM
Labels: Approach: opportunities
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Dating tips, build Rapport,Talking to girls: Echoing Her. Understand the art of rapport.
Dating tips, Talking to girls: Echoing Her. Understand the art of rapport.Girls want to be understood. In order for her to feel understood, you need to listen to what she says, rephrase it and feed it back to her (it helps if you agree with whatever statement she made:). Listen to what she says, remember it and you can make her feel connected to you and understood by you even weeks after your conversation by just simply repeating what she told to you during your conversation:) So make sure a lot of your communication to her is a subtle echo of what she feeds you. Now this strategy is already quite effective on its own but combine it with using trance-words and she's gonna levitate right in front of your eyes:)
ASF: "You need to do more than just agree with her...going uh uh won't cut it. However you also can't just repeat what she said verbatim. You have to take something she's said and paraphrase it and present it as an original thought or opinion."
The Secrets of the Alpha Man program is THE map to finding yours. How to be sexual and turn her on.
Posted by
7:22 AM
Labels: Rapport: Echo
Monday, May 19, 2008
Approaching and dating tips: Just say "Hi" and see its power.
Approaching and dating tips: Just say "Hi" and see its power.
This is a really simple strategy. If you're consistent and persistent with this strategy, this could yield you a lot of beautiful women. It'll take a long time though, but then again, it requires almost no effort on your part:)Here's what you do. You see a girl you like, but for some reason can't do an approach (you don't have the time, or maybe the guts, or the situation disallows it etc), at least do this - say "Hi". Keep enough eye-contact to get a confused "Hi" in return, then continue with what you were doing (walking, working etc). Maybe you'll never see the girl again. But if you do (oh joy and behold!:) - say "Hi" again. Then continue with what you were doing (basically, ignoring her:). And so on, and so on. After the first three "Hi's" the girl is still wondering, if or how she is supposed to know you. After the fifth "Hi" she is already wondering, how come you never actually talk to her. After the tenth "Hi" she can't understand, how come you never even approach her. After the twentieth "Hi" she is so confused and intrigued about you that she just can't stand it anymore and will approach YOU instead. She'll try to find out how the two of you know, and why you never talk to her, or why you never even approach her, but you still keep saying "Hi", is there something wrong with her etc - be very vague and mysterious about it in your answers (after all, you don't have much to tell anyway:). Now however, you're talking to an absolutely gorgeous girl (remember, you almost didn't even have the guts to say "Hi" to her:), who is so intrigued about you the she approached you - make the best of it:)
So the good part of this tactic is - almost zero effort on your part, just remember saying "Hi" to her:) The downsides however are numerous - you might never see her again, which is especially bad if she became interested in you when you said your first "Hi" already. Or you might see her a few more times but not on a consistent enough basis to build up enough intrigue in her. Also, this takes a monstrous amount of time to ripen - months, possibly even years. Neither is it much of a confidence- and experience-builder - you'll develop a confidence of saying "Hi" to beauties (not much is it?:) and acquire no experience whatsoever. But it serves it purpose as a last-ditch resort when you see a 10 approaching down the street, hurrying somewhere - say "Hi", get one in return, make her think that the two of you know each other somehow (obviously she can't remember you:) and hope for another chance meeting (when she hopefully still vaguely remembers you:).
A modification of this tactic (which seems to make some more sense) - just say "Hi" to any girl you like. Yes, any girl and anywhere - the commuter, the street, the airport, the corridor, the cafeteria. Some won't answer (maybe you greeted her too late for her to notice you), some answer, some smile and answer (see also Eye contact experiment), some answer, smile and stop (!) to initiate conversation with you (most probably about how come you know her when she doesn't seem to be able to remember you from anywhere:).
The ones that you have exchanged "Hi"-s with (without ever being introduced to each other or having actually approached her) are the best to use the "We already know each other" tactic with. The next time you meet, just start in the middle, like with an old friend, comment on something/anything etc, she responds and BOOM - you're acquintances!
Ok, so that's still a long way from having her naked body between your sheets - but you've made a start and you're already well on your way:)
The Secrets of the Alpha Man program is THE map to finding yours. How to be sexual and turn her on.
Posted by
8:05 AM
Labels: Openers Collection
Friday, May 16, 2008
Tips: Approaching any hot girl casually, Everyday is a new opportunity to meet more girls. Casual meetings vs pick-ups
Approaching any hot girl casually, Everyday is a new opportunity to meet more girls. Casual meetings vs pick-ups
Imagine everyone has their daily boring routine, same as any hot girl. And there you are! You are the FUN, challenging guy who will come into her life and change it all.
That's the attitude you must have to get them girls!!!Girls love to meet their prince charming casually, they dream of meeting you accidentally and by chance. That usually includes meeting you at a somewhat more private party (a birthday or a wedding, but not a nightclub), being introduced to you through a mutual friend, having common interests (hobbies, sports etc) and meeting you through events organized for people practicing these interests; school, work, hobbies, friends, and relatives being the common denominators here.
That is also why trying to pick up a girl in the street or on the commuter is so much harder to do than just "meeting her casually" - it is completely different from what she has been dreaming of and in addition to having to make her like you the way you present yourself, you'll have to compensate for not being able to have the silent recommendation of having mutual friends or hobbies plus dismiss any of her doubts of you "doing this (picking up girls) all the time", a thought which might weigh against you even if she actually likes you and your approach.
But whether you want to make the girl like you having met her casually or doing a more direct pick-up, you'll be using the same techniques nevertheless. Opting for a casual meeting just simplifies your task of getting her to like you and has a higher probability of her coming to expect a LTR once things get serious (whether you like or want that to happen is already a different subject), whereas pick-ups are tougher to pull off successfully, but they also broaden your choice of girls far beyond those that you happen to meet "casually" plus each failure and succcess will build your experience and confidence respectively far more than casual meetings could ever do.
In short, casual meetings are safe, pick-ups more rewarding, and the choice is yours, but a healthy mixture of both is probably the best way to go:)
The Secrets of the Alpha Man program is THE map to finding yours. How to be sexual and turn her on.
Posted by
9:34 AM
Labels: Approach: Casual
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Attraction tips and dating: What make women attract to some men but never other men? What's the reason? what tick them?
What make women attract to some men but never other men? What's the reason? what tick them?
One of the things that I discuss a lot is the
idea of why women feel ATTRACTION for some men
while NOT feeling it for others (even though the
men that women feel ATTRACTION for might not be
good choices for them because they're abusive,
etc.) If you recall, one of the concepts that I teach
goes something like this:
* ATTRACTION isn't something that is logically
certain cues and behaviors.
One of the things I've isolated that seems to
cause women to feel this magical ATTRACTION to men
is the idea that I call being "Cocky & Funny."
This is simply using an arrogant style of humor
when you're dealing with attractive women that
leads to them feeling the emotion of ATTRACTION
for you.
At the seminars I teach, I realized that
several of the guys were having trouble getting
the idea that a woman could feel an emotion like
ATTRACTION in response to something as seemingly
unrelated as making arrogant jokes (especially
about her) and making her laugh.
I mean, how COULD this possibly work?
I thought I'd take this newsletter and talk a
bit about why I think that something so illogical
could help you to create ATTRACTION, and some
specifics about how to do it.
Remember, women feel ATTRACTION for a very
different set of reasons than men do.
Where men focus more on LOOKS, women focus more
other more "intangible" qualities.
Women also love men who can make them laugh.
And by watching a lot of guys who are VERY good
at attracting women, I've noticed a common
Most of these guys use a common way of
communicating with women that communicates the
I call this way of communicating "Cocky &
Funny," and it's one of the cornerstones of
attracting women.
I believe that when a man is Cocky & Funny, he
triggers a primal response inside of a woman that
creates an instant emotional ATTRACTION.
This is because women come "pre-wired" with an
internal template of what comprises a desirable
mate, and a set of emotional trigger buttons that,
when pushed, create that powerful emotional
response called ATTRACTION that compels her to
mate with the man who triggers it.
Most men have no idea that this mechanism
exists or how to trigger it, so they do
traditional "nice guy" things like buying dinners,
gifts, and flowers... and giving women
compliments... and calling them all the time
(which usually have the OPPOSITE of the desired
effect when used too much, and too early on).
As I got to know more and more guys who were
REALLY GOOD with women, I started to see that they
weren't afraid to make fun of attractive women,
bust on them, and even challenge them... but it
was always done in a VERY FUNNY, even charming
At first I just assumed that it was the fact
that this pattern was just a technique that my
friends were using to make conversation.
Only after really paying attention, trying out
this technique myself quite a bit, and LOOKING
I begin to realize the UNBELIEVABLY POWERFUL
EMOTIONAL RESPONSES that this one concept was
And after working on it, testing it, refining
it, and studying the finer points about women,
men, and the whole "mating process" did I begin to
really understand how well this worked.
By the way, if you want to understand more
about WHY this works so well, you should take a
minute and read this:
Here's the basic formula:
1. Take an arrogant comment.
2. Add humor to make it funny.
3. Feel free to use this combination when poking
fun at the woman you're dealing with.
Here's a simple example:
Let's say you're walking down the street with a
woman and she says, "Wow, I really like those
shoes in the window" and you answer, "You would".
Here's another one:
Let's say you're talking to a woman who's
wearing a pair of shoes with four inch heels, and
you say, "So what, are you about four feet tall
without the shoes?"
Get it?
You're saying things that are FUNNY while at
the same time A BIT ARROGANT.
An added bonus that these two examples
demonstrate is that neither one is quite clear.
It's obvious that you're making fun of her, but
it's not exactly clear what you mean.
When you communicate like this, you
1. That you're confident.
2. That you're comfortable.
3. That you're intelligent.
4. That you're funny.
...which, of course, are all qualities that
lead to a woman feeling ATTRACTION.
Of course, most men wouldn't even THINK about
saying things like this to a woman that they find
attractive because they fear REJECTION.
Most men would also say that I must be CRAZY
for thinking that these kinds of comments would
trigger an EMOTIONAL response of ATTRACTION inside
of a woman.
I can understand this because when I first saw
guys being Cocky & Funny with women, I PERSONALLY
couldn't believe that it was what was creating the
But the fact is that IT DOES CREATE ATTRACTION.
And as illogical as it seems, if you learn how
to cultivate the skill of being Cocky & Funny,
you'll notice an AMAZING difference in the way
that women respond to you.
You'll find that the more you refine and
perfect the technique, the more women will want to
talk to you, be around you, and feel the
uncontrollable urges associated with ATTRACTION.
So here's the formula again: When you're in a
situation with a woman, say things that are both
Cocky & Funny.
Let's say you're talking to a woman, and she
says, "Here, let me buy this round of drinks."
You might respond by saying, "Look, don't think
that just because you buy me a drink that I'm
going to go home with you. I'm not that easy...."
Or maybe she mentions that she just started
working as a waitress... and you say, "Well,
that's a deal breaker for me, because I need a
woman who makes enough to support the both of us
so I can pursue my life-long goal of being a house
Are you with me?
These are all FUNNY and at the same time
One of the exercises that I recommend is to
take some time and come up with a whole bunch of
Cocky & Funny comments that YOU can use in the
most common "real world" situations you find
yourself meeting women in... and then mentally
rehearse them so you have them ready in your mind
to use.
When you use this magical way of communicating
with women, you'll find that it often sparks an
INSTANT sexual tension, and sets up a perfect
interaction between you and the woman you're
talking to.
It creates a wonderful, entertaining CHALLENGE
that women just LOVE to engage in...
It not only sets you apart from other men, but
as I mentioned, it also triggers that wonderful
emotion called ATTRACTION at the same time.
Double Bonus!
Of course, this is one part of a much bigger
picture of how to use your personality to create
sexual tension and ATTRACTION from the VERY
BEGINNING of your interactions with women.
And if you want to learn all of the secrets
that have taken me literally YEARS to figure out,
then I'd recommend that you check out my Advanced
Dating Techniques program.
It's JAM PACKED with killer concepts,
techniques, and step by step tactics for
approaching women, starting conversations,
creating attraction, getting numbers, getting
dates, and taking things to a "physical" level...
all with very little risk of rejection.
The Secrets of the Alpha Man program is THE map to finding yours. How to be sexual and turn her on.
Posted by
7:56 AM
Labels: Attraction: Keys
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Dating and Attraction Tips: Are you appear trying too hard or dependent on the outcome?
Dating and Attraction Tips: Are you appear trying too hard or dependent on the outcome?
Somebody who is outcome dependent is SEEKING attraction. This can
lead to a scenario where you end up trying harder and harder to generate
those indicators you're looking for by spitting more and more game.
It's like, "Oh, I spit my tightest line and it didn't work... quick, spit another
before she loses interest... oh shit, that didn't work either... spit another,
another!!!"The end result? The chick becomes interested all right... 'cause you're her
entertainment for the night.
She has no real interest in hooking up with you, but you're an amusing
"dancing monkey" for her and her friends.
While it may be entertaining, the bottom line is: no chick wants to bang a
monkey. Unless they have some seriously weird fetish.
So yeah, they'll show indicators of interest to keep you around, but when
closing time rolls around it's, "Nice to meet you! Bye bye!"
Just another example of how CARING about the outcome of the
interaction causes you to fail. Ironic.
Another possible explanation that comes to mind would be that you're not
moving the set forward.
Are you escalating things once the set is obviously open to your presence?
Or do you just stand there spinning your wheels, bombarding them with
attract material long past the point where they're interested?
Indicators of interest are just that: they tell you they are INTERESTED,
nothing more.
Remember, it's YOUR responsibility to escalate. These girls aren't gonna
do it for you, except in RARE instances.
So, given these possible explanations, I'm gonna prescribe the following:
FIRST. Do everything you can to avoid the dancing monkey trap. That
means using the least amount of high octane material possible to get them
interested. Use some right off the bat, after your opener, to get them
hooked. After that, use it sparingly, as a tool to spike the energy of the
interaction when you sense it's waning.
You want the girls to be CONTRIBUTIVE. In other words, not just
standing there listening to you and laughing. You still want to lead and
direct the conversation, but you need to make sure that it is in fact a
CONVERSATION, not just you giving a stand-up routine.
SECONDLY. Make sure you have a definite idea where you're at and
where you want to go, then make sure that you're constantly moving
things in that direction, slowly but surely.
Again, once you've hooked them, start getting physical (by degrees).
Simultaneously, start building rapport, both wide and deep. A lot of guys
think of the seduction process as being very linear, like "Attract-Then
Build Comfort-Then Get Physical". What they don't realize is that these
things must happen concurrently during the interaction, in harmony.
Anyway, if you're just pumping buying temperature, it's hard for them to
take you seriously... you become a sort of cartoon character.
Your comment about miscalibration isn't off the mark. Pay more attention
to how you're emotionally affecting the girls, and realize that at some
point, you actually have to stop playing a character and CONNECT with
them on some level.
Once you do that, you'll start getting those verbal indicators of rapport. At
that point, get them into isolation and GO TO WORK.
Hope that helps... cheers.
***Watch Live Video How this guy pick this cute girl up (setting up date and get her phone numbers) during the day time within five minutes!***
.... LEARN more: From the best in England.
Get some training from these guys!!! You too will have the power if you have the will.**********
-Dating tips: Understanding Woman their nature.
-Dating Advice for men: 8 rules of Confidence.
-Dating: Why do women test men?
-Dating: How to make her wants you.
-Dating: Should you tell a woman how you feel.
Posted by
9:12 AM
Labels: Attraction: try hard
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Picking up women, PUA, Materials does it really work? How to improve.
Picking up women, PUA, Materials does it really work? How to improve.
I came across this article on the web. And I thought this article could help some people so I posted it.
In my opinion, reading can only do you 10% 15%. Go out in the field and try it out...interact with as many women as you can. Make them your friends, make them your lovers, make them everything you want them to be if you have extremely strong frame.
I learn from experience of going out and try things...
Materials is good...opener to me is not a PICK UP LINE. It's more like an excuse to start a creative conversation other than "Hi". Hi also work...the secret is how you say things, not what you say. It's all about you, not the material. Material just something to give you courage to try out socializing, if that's not already your cup of tea.
But really, for those of you who are not comfortable in social gathering to begin will need help from these resources. Be patient, calibrate, work have a lot to catch up to...and Good luck!******
I know when I first began reading books on social dynamics many years ago, I had a large number of people laugh at me and tell me this was shit that couldn’t be taught. They told me I was wasting my time. They called it bullshit… said I’m buying into fairytales… told me I’m better off concentrating on making money and working out…. hahaha…
If you’re doubting yourself and the cababilities you possess take a glance over this list of quotes from people who thought they knew what they were talking about.
Remember people love to impose their limitations on you!
Things that will never happen:
“Man will never reach the moon regardless of all future scientific advances.
– Dr. Lee DeForest, “Father of Radio &Grandfather of Television.”
“The bomb will never go off. I speak as an expert in explosives.”
– Admiral William Leahy, US Atomic Bomb Project
“There is no likelihood man can ever tap the power of the atom.”
– Robert Millikan, Nobel Prize in Physics, 1923
“Computers in the future may weigh no more than 1.5 tons.”
– Popular Mechanics, forecasting the relentless march of science, 1949
“I think there is a world market for maybe five computers .”
– Thomas Watson, chairman of IBM, 1943
“I have traveled the length and breadth of this country and talked with the
best people, and I can assure you that data processing is a fad that won’t
last out the year.”
– The editor in charge of business books for Prentice Hall, 1957
“But what .. is it good for?” commenting on the microchip.
– Engineer at the Advanced Computing Systems Division of IBM, 1968,
“640K ought to be enough for anybody.”
– Bill Gates, 1981
“This ‘telephone’ has too many shortcomings to be seriously considered as a
means of communication. The device is inherently of no value to us,”
–Western Union internal memo, 1876.
“The wireless music box has no imaginable commercial value.
Who would pay for a message sent to nobody in particular?”
in response to urgings for investment in the radio in the 1920s.
– David Sarnoff’ Associates.
“The concept is interesting and well-formed, but in order to earn better
than a ‘C’, the idea must be feasible,”
– A Yale University management professor in response to Fred Smith’s paper proposing reliable overnight delivery service.
(Smith went on to found Federal Express Corp.)
“I’m just glad it’ll be Clark Gable who’s falls on his face, not Gary Cooper,”
– Gary Cooper on his decision not to take the leading role in
Gone With The Wind.
“A cookie store is a bad idea. Besides, the market research reports say
America likes crispy cookies, not soft and chewy cookies like you make,”
– Response to Debbi Fields’ idea of starting Mrs. Fields’ Cookies.
“We don’t like their sound, and guitar music is on the way out,”
– Decca Recording Co. rejecting the Beatles, 1962.
“Heavier-than-air flying machines are impossible,”
– Lord Kelvin, president Royal Society, 1895.
“If I had thought about it, I wouldn’t have done the experiment.
The literature was full of examples that said you can’t do this,”
– Spencer Silver on the work that led to the unique adhesives
for 3-M “Post-It” Notepads.
“Drill for oil? You mean drill into the ground to try and find oil?
You’re crazy,”
– Drillers who Edwin L. Drake tried to enlist to his project to drill for oil, 1859.
“Stocks have reached what looks like a permanently high plateau.”
– Irving Fisher, Professor of Economics, Yale University, 1929.
“Airplanes are interesting toys but of no military value,”
– Marechal Ferdinand Foch, Professor of Strategy, Ecole Superieure de Guerre, France.
“Everything that can be invented has been invented,”
– Charles H. Duell, Commissioner, US Office of Patents, 1899.
“The super computer is technologically impossible. It would take all of the
water that flows over Niagara Falls to cool the heat generated by the number
of vacuum tubes required.”
– Professor of Electrical Engineering, New York University.
“I don’t know what use any one could find for a machine that would make
copies of documents. It certainly couldn’t be a feasible business by itself.
– the head of IBM, refusing to back the idea, forcing the inventor to
found Xerox.
“Louis Pasteur’s theory of germs is ridiculous fiction.”
– Pierre Pachet, Professor of Physiology at Toulouse, 1872.
“The abdomen, the chest, and the brain will forever be shut from the
intrusion of the wise and humane surgeon,”
– Sir John Eric Ericksen, British surgeon, appointed Surgeon-Extraordinary to QueenVictoria 1873.
And last but not least…
The Secrets of the Alpha Man program is THE map to finding yours. How to be sexual and turn her on.
Posted by
7:34 AM
Labels: Beginners: some thought
Friday, May 9, 2008
Approaching Tips: inner game, how to be a great and exciting date that every woman wants.
Approaching Tips: inner game, how to be a great and exciting date that every woman wants.
The following article is from a good friend of Mike and I. Justin was one of the original guys that I got into the community with 10 years ago… I’ve wrote about some of our adventures in my Early Days series. We were the three guys that changed many people’s perception of game back in our days at MSU. I got a million stories!!!Justin has gone on to be a professional life coach, and has achieved everything he wanted in terms of women, success, and financial goals. He will be contributing articles here from time to time. I’m looking forward to his posts as he has taught me more about social dynamics than anyone else I’ve come in contact with.
Build it and They Will Come by Justin B
***Watch Live Video How this guy pick this cute girl up (setting up date and get her phone numbers) during the day time within five minutes!***
.... LEARN more: From the best in England.
Get some training from these guys!!! You too will have the power if you have the will.**********
-Dating tips: Understanding Woman their nature.
-Dating Advice for men: 8 rules of Confidence.
-Dating: Why do women test men?
-Dating: How to make her wants you.
-Dating: Should you tell a woman how you feel.
-Dating Advice for men: the game and the rules.
-How to date a woman of your dream.
-Understanding women
rained outIn the very popular and successful 1989 movie Field of Dreams, starring Kevin Costner and Ray Liotta, protagonist Ray Kinsella played by Costner is told early in the movie by a mysterious voice “Build it and he will come” as he walks through the cornfield on his large farm. After this, Kinsella gets a very clear vision of a baseball field in his cornfield and believes deep inside of himself that there is a connection between the “build it” part of what he heard and the vision of the baseball field. His wife is skeptical but tells him to follow his vision and build the field. After several months, some of the deceased ballplayers from the shamed 1919 Chicago White Sox baseball team show up on his field and now he more deeply understands the message that he chose to have faith in: to “build it” and trust that they “will come.” If you have seen this excellent movie you know it teaches many life lessons and has some great underlying messages and themes to it. What I would like to focus on today, though for our purposes is this key phrase “Build it and he will come” and how it can be applied to your own life with women. For our purposes, let us translate this phrase into “Build it and they will come.”
As a motivational Life Coach I often deal with men that tell me that they have a difficult time attracting and dealing with quality women. I often tell them that one of their main problems I see is that they are too focused on getting women and not focused enough on building their own life and their own self-confidence and self-esteem, which will easily translate into attracting women. When you are being fulfilled in multiple areas of your life, and you build your life up to a point where you feel good about it and, as they say, “have your shit together”, women will pick up on the very confident and responsible vibe you give off. I think you all intuitively understand that what I am saying is that you have to have a strong basis for your self-esteem outside of your success with women and that, ironically, this will attract women.
Many men often note that men that seem to land a quantity of quality women into their beds give off a vibe that they “don’t really care.” It is not that they don’t really care; it is rather that they are so fulfilled and focused on the other parts of their lives that they don’t have a lot of time to worry about how they are doing with women. Women pick up on their vibe of independence and self-fulfillment and this is very attractive- both emotionally and sexually- for women. A woman I was talking with recently told me that it is very sexy for a guy to be very into his job, his friends, his family, sports, etc. because she said that it expresses a sense of confidence and fulfillment that he is strong and that he could “be strong for her.” Remember that a personality trait that women often get frustrated with about themselves is the fact that their self-esteem is too much based on what the opposite sex thinks; the last thing that they want is to be with a man that has the same issue. The men who have mastered this principle have inadvertently taught themselves and us a valuable lesson about the connection between their own lives and their success with women: “Build it and they will come.” So how can you apply this philosophy to your life and “build” your own life up to make room for them to “come”? Here are some starting points although by now I am sure you get the idea.
1) Find a cause, purpose, or career that you are passionate about.
If you can idenitfy your core passions and pursue them you will find yourself much more fulfilled in a holistic and overall way. Hopefully, this is your career but if not find something that interests you, besides women of course, and become passionate about it. Become charismatic and excited about it. Men find themselves best when they are happy with their work. Being this way will put your much more in touch with your own masculine energy and will make you very appealing.
2) Lift weights.
I am not just saying this for the reason you might be thinking: that women like muscles. When you lift weights you are going to be getting in touch with and expressing your masculinity even outside of the gym. While you release endorphins and build your emotional and physical muscles, you will attract attention with your very masculine vibe.
3) Practice meditation or some form of relaxation
You may have never considered meditation or consider it something for New Age weirdos. You may even consider it something for women. Learning to meditate, though,will build your self-confidence becase you will slowly get in touch with the negative thoughts that are holding back your success with women and other areas of your life. As you become more content and build your self confidence at a deep level, they will come in droves because you too “will not care.” Find a local meditation class or buy a book or CD on meditation. I usually reccomend to clients anything by Steven Halpern or Deepak Chopra.
Do not get into the trap of doing these things solely to attract women. See the value in them because you will feel better and therefore will not need women to make you feel good about yourself. Then watch how as you “build” your life, “they” will come.
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3:32 PM
Labels: Basic: Inner Game II
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Dating tips: How to make women laugh to create attraction.
Dating tips: How to make women laugh to create attraction.
Making her laugh is one of the best thing a man can do. Though, there are things you should watch out (if you are trying to pick her up)
-DO NOT make fun of yourself (being a subject of comedic relief) or be a clown...other than that it's ok...making fun of her is ok too. ** Not many guys can pull this off if he makes fun of himself so stay away unless you cannot avoid it. On the other hand, don't take yourself too is too short to be serious. Well, I mean...keep it light and fun but maintain respect for yourself.
NOW read on!!!Making a girl laugh can be the easiest thing in the world, and at other times, can feel like an insurmountable task. This is because our sense of humors are not always the same as the girls we’re dealing with. Derek, author of the great Seduction Science series, gives us some examples of how to be playful and funny with girls.
How to Make Women Laugh by Derek Vitalio
A lot of guys ask me how to be funny. After all, women all the time say they want to meet a guy who “makes them laugh”. The trick to being funny is forget “funny” and just be playful. If you’re playful, a girl will laugh. And the reason girls want to laugh is because they want to feel easy COMFORT around you. And one of the easiest ways to being playful is role play silly little fantasies in your conversations with a girl.
To give you an idea of what I’m talking about, here are some playful role playing interactions that I had on the phone with a girl.
Sabrina: “yeah I like to take showers. So can you take me to a little shower fantasy”
Derek: “Sure, but we’d use olive oil instead of water. Olive oil is good for your skin right?”
Sabrina: “I think so-”
Derek: “Yeah, but olive oil won’t come through the pipes so I’d make you sit in the tub and I dump buckets of warm, hot olive oil down your back.”
Sabrina: “hmmmm”
Derek: “And slowly the tub would fill up with olive oil… and that warmth would spread all throughout your body… and then we’d jump out and our skin would be all oily and shiny”
Sabrina: “lol”
Derek: “And we’d leave olive oil footprints all over the floor as we ran around butt-naked trying to clean it up.”
Sabrina: “lol. Yeah, but why waste all that olive oil when we could make a salad out of it?”
Derek: “Smart thinking, we’d dumped 40 heads of lettuce in there, a few tomatoes, a few onions, and we’d have enough Caesar salad to feed an army.”
Sabrina: “lol”
See how I’m just making a rather ridiculous little story for her? And notice how it has a sexual connotation to it. When you wrap a sexual story in playfulness, women are not nearly as likely to resist it.
Derek: “So what’s your house like”
Sabrina: “I’ve got a pool in the back”
Derek: “Awesome! We can throw pool parties back there…”
Sabrina: “pool parties? uh-”
Derek: “Or better yet, I’ll dress up like Zeus and you dress up like Athena and we’ll be like gods and goddesses hanging out at the pool”
Sabrina: “lol yes! I like that”
Derek: “And we’ll fill the pool up with olive oil and get all greasy. And crush grapes with our feet. It will rock.”
Sabrina: “lol”
Derek: “Yeah… and we need to get a servant to hold up one of those huge Hossanah leaves and fan us down”
Sabrina: “Yeah… and I’ll blast the air conditioner so it goes out the window into the pool.”
Derek: “Damn, you’re good at this aren’t you…”
Notice how I have her laughing. Am I cracking canned jokes? No. Am I racking my brain to be funny? No. The silliness and laughter comes naturally from the playful fantasy.
Sabrina: “Yeah, I felt a spiritual connection on top of the vortex in Sedona.”
Derek: “Yeah, the most interesting thing happened to me while I stood on top the vortex…. ….I was standing up there and lo and behold my cell phone rings! Yeah, it was like the angels were phoning me!!”
Sabrina: “lol”
Derek: “Yeah, and what really shocked me was that I get perfect reception on top of a mountain vortex in the middle of nowhere yet I can’t get good reception in my own apartment. What’s up with that??”
Sabrina: “lol… yeah it’s terrible”
Derek: “Anyway, I get the phone and the angels start talking to me…”
Sabrina: “What did they tell you”
Derek: “You won’t believe this, but they gave me the secret of the meaning to life”
Sabrina: “Really? And what is the secret of the meaning to life”
Derek: “That can be yours for the low price of only $499.95!”
Sabrina: “lol that’s all?”
Derek: “Well, if you knew the secret, you wouldn’t think it was worth much more than that either–”
Sabrina: “lol… no, but didn’t you notice how commercial it is in Sedona?”
Derek: “Yeah… it’s like you can walk down from the vortex having had this incredible spiritual experience and walk right into McDonalds and… SUPER SIZE YOUR FRIES!!!”
Sabrina: “hahahahaha”
So be PLAYFUL and you’ll be funny. Be PLAYFUL and she’ll laugh. Be PLAYFUL and she’ll relax. Get the idea?
Check out my 3rd Edition Seduction Science System for even more great examples of how to keep women laughing and entertained and attracted.
Until next time,
The Secrets of the Alpha Man program is THE map to finding yours. How to be sexual and turn her on.
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7:14 AM