What to do on your first date with a woman. Attraction secret for men.
Most men do the standard interview questions on a date: where are you from, what do you do, what hobbies do you have, favourite film, what do you read, do you have brothers and sisters. The fact is, the average beautiful woman has been on hundreds of first dates and has been approached by guys in bars and clubs thousands of times. She doesn't want to answer these questions over and over. How do you stand out and make a killer first impression? Ask great questions!
Great questions fall into a number of categories. They all share a few traits:
* They are original.
* They bring out an old memory.
* They bring out a positive emotion.
* They challenge her.
Let's get onto the questions:
1. Did you have an Imaginary friend when you were young?
2. Do you remember your first day at school?
This is a question that brings out strong emotions because it is something that they probably haven't talked about for a long time, but that has strong emotions attached to it.
3. If you could wake up tomorrow anywhere in the world, where would it be?
This is another good question and replaces boring questions on this subject such as "do you like travel?" and "did you go on holiday this year". Get her to describe the place vividly until she feels like she is there!
4. Are your friends mostly men or women?
This tells you something about their character and also gets them talking about people they care about and their friends.
5. What's the one thing you can't say no to?
This is a good way to find out something they really enjoy, it could be chocolate, it could be fresh orange juice. It should make their eyes light up. You can then describe how good it is to eat that chocolate or drink that fresh orange juice and watch how you can lead them into a desiring state.
6. What talents do you have that would surprise me?
This is a great question, and is a challenge. Early on in an interaction, they won't feel any need to answer challenging questions. By the rapport stage, they will feel some pressure to respond to a question like this to prove themselves to you. Remember that she is likely to ask the same back to you, so have something ready.
7. Have you been in love?
Focus on the time when they were actually in love, don't ask what happened - this would focus on the break-up! You will make her want those feelings again, and since she is with a cool guy, she'll probably be imagining them with you. This is a great one, for a number of reasons: First, it brings out the emotion and memories connected with love. Second, it gets onto the subject of relationships and so gets her to easily start to imagine a relationship with you.
Throw out some of these great questions and you'll have the woman thinking you are the most interesting person she ever met. Not only that but you'll have a deep connection, something you can never get with "so.....do you have any hobbies?"
... LEARN more: www.puatraining.com From the best in England.
Get some training from these guys!!! You too will have the power if you have the will.
Friday, September 19, 2008
What to do on your first date with a woman. Attraction secret for men.
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6:46 PM
Labels: Attraction: First Date
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Convey to her, NOT BRAG! Attraction secret for men
Convey to her, NOT BRAG! Attraction secret for men
A big part of succeeding with women is having what I call Prizability - that's the degree to which a woman sees you as the Prize.
Fact: Sporting a fat bank account, becoming a Rhodes scholar, speaking five languages fluently, and having traveled the world three times over again are all things you can use to increase your Prizability with women.
I don't possess any Prizable qualities, you might worry.
Everyone has Prizable qualities. Maybe you don't know it yet. Do you know a stupid magic trick you stole from a
kindergartener when you were in the first grade? Can you wiggle your ears or curl your tongue?
You can turn anything into A Prizable quality... and here's why...
Have you ever noticed how much time most women put into wrapping a present? They've got to find the perfect paper, the right ribbons and bows, and the ideal card. How the present is presented is more important, for many women, than the present itself.
The same holds true for conveying something about yourself.
If you present it in the right way, women will see it as Prizable.
In a minute I'm going to reveal the secret behind doing this.
But first…
I want to tell you a story. Inside this story you'll discover a dangerous mistake most men are guilty of yet oblivious to...
A few weeks ago I was talking to a friend of mine. The conversation started off friendly yet ended up turning into a proverbial Quaalude. If conversations had a taste or smell, this one would have reeked of foot and ass.
He bragged to me about all of the people he knew, money he had… and so on.
After twenty minutes of him boasting galore, I was bored out of my mind. I felt like he was trying to get a job from me, presenting his résumé the best he could.
I was not impressed.
Am I jaded?
No – because no matter how spine-tingling his accomplishments were, I'd be yawning with boredom.
In fact… It wasn't anything he said in particular that turned me off.
What irked me was his presentation.
What is the lesson to be learned?
You could possess a higher IQ than Albert Einstein, overcome more crap than Lance Armstrong, and have a bigger bank account than a Saudi Prince...
...But if you showcase these qualities in a way that subcommunicates your need for validation and approval, your Prizability will dwindle to a suicidal zero.
Here's why…
Seeking a woman's validation and approval contexualizes the Meta-Frame - the underlying meaning of your interaction - as her being the Prize you are trying to win over.
This is dangerous because...
Women only feel attraction for men they perceive as the Prize.
Swinggcat, for God sake, teach me how to present qualities about myself in a Prizable way.
Okay, okay.
One of my favorite ways is to reveal these qualities within the context of a story.
But here's the key… and this is important… so pay attention…
The plot of the story is never based around one of my Prizable qualities. If it were, I'd risk coming across as needy and approval seeking.
Instead, my Prizable qualities become either a detail within the story or the context the story takes place in.
For example...
Many women perceive worldly men as packing an S load of Prizability.
Because I've done a lot of traveling, I have several light-hearted stories about my travels.
The plots of these stories are always devoid of any Prizable qualities.
But the contexts these stories takes place in contain the Prizable quality of being well traveled.
Maybe you're thinking, “This strategy sounds great. The only problem is, I'm not a great storyteller.”
Well, I've got news for you…
Every ladies man has at least a few great stories – and for a good reason…
Storytelling is one of the best mediums for conveying your Prizabile qualities to a woman.
Many natural ladies men have another trick up their sleeve for showing off their Prizable qualities to women...
While reading a good book or watching an enthralling movie, have you ever found yourself identifying with the hero?
He may have flaws... he might be cruel or even a little needy at times... but you wanna like him. You feel compelled to see him as Prizable.
The reason you like and identify with the hero is because the writers are using an ancient yet universal storytelling structure that taps into your limbic brain and unconsciously drives you to identify with and like the hero.
Many naturals use this structure to compel women to see them as the Prize despite looks, money, and social status.
Inside my brand-spanking new Natural Vibing course you'll learn this entire storytelling structure.
Plus you'll receive a PHD education on vibing and attracting women.
Just like many others have been doing, you too can catapult your current lifestyle with women by getting your hands on a copy of my course right now. You deserve it.
... LEARN more: www.puatraining.com From the best in England.
Get some training from these guys!!! You too will have the power if you have the will.
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6:00 PM
Labels: Advance: convey youself
Monday, September 15, 2008
How to Get the result you want (laid) with any woman with vibing skill.
How to Get the result you want (laid) with any woman with vibing skill part I. Dating and seduction technique for men
I was out with a buddy of mine the other night. He struck up a conversation with a plain Jane adorned in Paris Hiltonesque couture and P Diddy bling.
My eyeballs glanced at her mug and then relayed an unsightly snapshot to my brain: acne, liver spots, and crow’s feet shrouded behind a coat of foundation thick as stucco.
Her neck skin, resembling alligator hide. Her scalp buckled to horsehair extensions.Although she made my throat spasm and dry heave, my buddy’s heart ached for a date with her.
I don’t judge what type of girl’s my friends are into. But I do want them to achieve their aspirations with women.
And here lies the problem…
Because my friend didn’t know how to shepherd his interaction with her in the direction he wanted, she slipped away without him getting a kiss… a number… or a date.
Goals with women often differ from one man to the next.
Maybe you want a girlfriend or wife, a soul mate, a booty call you can drunk dial at 4 o’clock Saturday morning, a one-night-stand, a threesome, a maid to cook and clean for you… or something entirely different?
But there’s a universal truth about all heterosexual males (minus priests) bigger than Britney Spear’s camel toe…. bigger than Jenna Jameson’s moose knuckle…
We all want more control over our desired outcome with females.
And that’s precisely what you’ll learn in this letter.
I wanna introduce you to a concept I call the Meta-Intent.
One of the many meanings of the word ‘intent’ is to move towards a specific goal.
Your intent during your next interaction with a woman may be to get a phone number, play tonsil hockey, make mad passionate monkey into the wee hours of the morning… or something else.
The woman’s intent might be to make you a Platonic friend she can yap about her guy problems to, turn you into an ATM machine with feet, coax you into buying her overpriced dinners and jewelry… and so on.
During the course of your interaction with her, your intent as well as hers may change several times.
But there’s something ominous lurking in the background.
Before I tell you what it is, I wanna ask you a quick question…
Has a parent or boss ever told you to do something you didn’t want to do but you did it anyway? Maybe you even thought about not doing it. But in the end you caved.
One more quick question…
Have you ever had a girl you lusted after make it clear as day that your chances of moving beyond “friends only’ with her were whump shut and, like a big passive bottom, you accepted this?
Perhaps, every time you felt an unspeakable urge in your crotch to make a move on her, you stopped yourself, fearing that you’d cross a dangerous barrier?
You were trapped inside her Meta-Intent.
In this letter you’re gonna learn skills for pulling women into your Meta-Intent and staying outside of theirs.
The first half of the letter focuses on the inner game – the mental part – to establishing and controlling the Meta-Intent. (This is damn important, my man. Without having all of the unconscious parts of your mind on board with the Meta-Intent you want to establish with a woman, success with her has the vitality of a Dutch Euthanasia ward.)
The second half concentrates on the outer game: specific technique for pulling a woman into your Meta-Intent and keeping her there.
As you’ll see, the inner and outer game are connected at the hip.
The Inner Game To Establishing & Controlling the Meta-Intent…
The first step is to get crystal-clear on what you want out of your interactions with women.
It’s okay to change what you want as your relationship progresses. For example, my goal with some women started off as casual sex but eventually developed into wanting a serious relationship.
But here’s a big ol’ fat red flag: Often, when men think their priorities have changed with a woman, they’ve unknowingly slipped into her Meta-Intent. So if your wants and desires begin to change, ask yourself…
Have my goals changed or have I become the bitch-slave to her Meta-Intent?
Step 2 is developing the unwavering belief that you’re intended outcome with her is inevitable.
How do beliefs operate? A belief directs your mind at things consistent with it. Likewise, it blinds you from perceiving anything inconsistent with it.
Let’s look at an example...
As hapless Joe goo-goo eyes a piece of T&A origami his down-below parts rise to full attention. He fantasizes about moist relief with this hunk of Darwinian perfection.
But he doesn’t believe it’s possible.
As a crippling consequence, success with her is grim.
Even if he does approach her, his mind will focus on everything that’s going wrong.
If she gets distracted, momentarily looks bored, or disagrees with him, he’ll interpret it as evidence that he doesn’t have a chance with her.
His belief will blind him from noticing all the subtle I-wanna-fuck-your-brains-out bread crumbs she’s dropping.
But it gets worse…
What you put your focus of attention on is where the women will put hers.
Take a wild guess what happens when hapless Joe puts all of his attention on things that don’t bode well for him achieving his desired outcome?
The woman will put her attention on these things as well.
From the get-go, she may have found him, as Fat Bastard would say, “dead sexy.”
But by the time his negative beliefs infect her, the only thing she’ll notice about him are the words “I’m a big fat loser” push-pinned to his forehead.
I’ve experienced this hundreds of times myself. Styling my hair is like trying to discipline a feral child.
However, last year my hairstylist accomplished the impossible by giving me a kickass haircut. I felt like a billion big ones and believed every woman in the world would sleep with me at my whim.
That night I met a blonde sporting Brigitte Bardot’s mug in her prime and two basketball sized tah tahs itching to get out of her low cut top.
Within fifteen minutes of meeting her, I pulled her into the bathroom for a midnight hump-a-thon.
Later that night, when I brushed my teeth for bed I caught a glimpse of my reflection in the mirror.
To the horror of my eyeballs, a ghastly boil sat dead center on my schnozz.
Quickly, I grabbed my camera to see if I’d been lugging around this hideous growth all night. Sure enough, it accompanied me in every picture.
On the other hand, I’ve had nights where I felt about as attractive as varicose veins spider webbing across a fat woman’s thighs.
I’d struggle to get laid in brothel with a fist full of hundred dollar bills, I thought.
Not surprisingly, women avoided me like a leper.
But when I looked at pictures of myself the next day, I realized that I was oozing sex appeal.
Here’s an exercise for developing the belief that you’re destined to get the outcome you desire with a woman…
Find a quiet place without any distractions eager to pull you away from this exercise. Put on your movie director’s cap and get ready to design your reality.
Visualize the kinda girl you want to attract. Add in as many details as you can.
What color is her hair? How tall is she? What color are her eyes? What is she wearing?
Next, create a movie in your mind going from meeting this woman to getting the outcome you want with her.
Then play this movie over and over again in your mind. Spend a minimum of twenty minutes watching this mental movie before going out to meet women. As time goes on you’ll do some editing and fine tuning.
Step 3 is to detach yourself like a Buddhist monk from your desire to achieve your intended outcome.
This is easier than it sounds. You don’t need to cloister yourself away in a monastery for the next decade to achieve this.
When most men approach a woman, they unconsciously create a rule that all of their self worth and source of happiness is dependent upon getting the outcome they desire with her. (I’m sure a few people reading this are chuckling with guilt. You know why? Because we’ve all committed this sin.)
Right before you approach the next woman you want to meet, take a few minutes to meditate on all of the things that bring you happiness and validation besides achieving your intended outcome with her.
Does this make your desire disappear? Not at all. But it does rip to shreds your attachment to the desire.
Something magical happens when you know what you want, believe you’ll get it, yet aren’t emotionally attached to the outcome: you magnetically draw women into your Meta-Intent.
On Friday I’m going to email you part 2 to this article: the outer game to getting what you want with women.
Before I let you go, I wanna bring up an important facet to getting what you want from women.
Without the ability to vibe with women, these inner game techniques are rendered useless.
When in the presence of attractive women, do you ever feel tongue-tied, suspect they’re bored silly, need a prepared piece of conversion just keep the interaction alive, or ache with frustration that you aren’t getting the outcome you want with them?
If so, take it as a sign that you need improve your vibing skills.
.... LEARN more: www.puatraining.com From the best in England.
Get some training from these guys!!! You too will have the power if you have the will.
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6:00 PM
Saturday, September 13, 2008
How to approach women the right way, without using any pick up line.
How to approach women the right way, without using any pick up line. Dating and seduction secret for men.
We've all had it happen... and it
plain sucks...
A girl with more legs than a bucket full
of chicken catches you dead in your tracks.
A body and face you only miss gawking at on
days that end with Y. Her hair, a monument
to hairdresser perfection.
You may even fantasize about doing the
nasty with her while wah-wah electric guitar
porno jazz plays in the background.
Now for the part that's worse than tidy
whities streaked brown...
Your mind focuses back on reality: A
drop-dead gorgeous girl is right in front
you.But you don't know what to say. Under this
kinda pressure, you probably don't feel like
Hemmingway, my man.
"If only I had the perfect memorized line at
my beck and call, I could entrance this sexy
vixen," you might be thinking.
But consider this...
You can give a group of guys the same pickup
line. For some, the memorized line mutates
them into a walking train wreck with women.
For others, it leads to women kissing their
down-below parts all night long.
One more thing to consider...
If you've ever watched naturals in action,
you may notice that many don't use pickup
When they do use one, it's so bad, they
have cheese wiz oozing out of every orifice.
Here's my point...
There's nothing wrong with using a pickup
But it isn't the words flying out of your
trap that spark a sexual interaction between
you and a woman.
So what's the key?
Get a face transplant, buddy?
Just kidding.
Through a ton of research I've discovered 7
patterns of behavior & communication naturals
exhibit when initiating a sexual vibe with a
female stranger.
I call them the 7 Fundamentals to approaching
and vibing with women.
Once you master the 7 Fundamentals, what you say
to a woman becomes irrelevant. In plain English,
regardless of what you say, you'll put the
jumbo in a woman's mojo.
Probably the number one reason men fail to
successfully approach the women they desire is
that they don't know the 7 fundamentals exist.
The sad reality is... many males will die
NEVER getting these skills taken care
of... NEVER having a morsel of a chance
with the women they desire... & NEVER
living the life of their dreams.
Because of this I've decided to teach the 7
Fundamentals in my brand-spanking-new course
Natural Vibing.
Not only will each fundamental be dinned into
your head but also you'll get your hands on
proven boot-camp style exercises that
quickly break you of pickup line dependence
and secrets for nuking away every smidgen
of approach anxiety.
And, this my friend, only scratches the
You'll also receive a PHD education on
vibing with women the way naturals do.
Just the information page about the course
will spoon-feed you heaps of tools that'll
boost your success with women right now.
***Watch Live Video How this guy pick this cute girl up (setting up date and get her phone numbers) during the day time within five minutes!***
.... LEARN more: www.puatraining.com From the best in England.
Get some training from these guys!!! You too will have the power if you have the will.
Posted by
6:00 PM
Labels: Approach: How to
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
How to meet women on Facebook and other social network. Dating and Seduction tips for men.
How to meet women on Facebook and other social network. Dating and Seduction tips for men.
How to get a date and more from Facebook!
First of all, let's remember the catastrophe that is "Myspace."
(May it rest in peace.) That social network has been so polluted
and abused that it's really not useful anymore. I know I don't take
it seriously.
What happened there?
Well, first of all, everyone got slammed with spam. A few clever
programmers and bulk friend programs, and suddenly you had Myspace
pages that looked like web sites from the year 1998.
Cheap backgrounds, silly wallpaper, and everybody's page looked
like a 14-year-old girl's bedroom, complete with Britney Spears
Enter Facebook.
A whole lot classier than its trailer-park cousin, Facebook has
maintained a better image. But with a bunch of cool toys and
add-ons that made it interesting and more fun.
So how can you work this great social networking tool to help you
with your dating life - while not looking like some pervert who got
kicked out of the alleys of Myspace?
I'll give you a very simple 4-step model to use. This is the one
that my friends and I have used consistently to get results online.
STEP 1: Connect with the guys - and other women - who have a lot of
cute girl friends.
In other words, connect with people that you are NOT interested in
dating who have big networks.
You must be very indirect at first using Facebook.
Remember the lesson from Myspace - Don't be a spammer!
This is not "match.com" or an online dating site, so don't just
start sending out invites and emails hoping to score based on
numbers. We've come to hate the abusers, and you'll just get your
sorry ass kicked right off.
Start out with light connections. Think "friends first."
Don't make your Facebook profile look like you're trying to meet
women. Be subtle. Your profile should project your Alpha Lifestyle.
What you're trying to do is multiply your results and increase your
connection potential by meeting more people who know more people.
If you just start trying to hit on the women you're interested in
right off the bat, you'll be limiting your results with
shortsighted thinking.
Think out to the LONG term. The more cool people you connect with
and forge relationships with, the more likely you are to connect
with a woman naturally.
STEP 2: Connect with women you are interested in VERY indirectly.
What you have to do is send a simple friend request - and make sure
you include a message with it!
You just say something like, "Hey, I saw we're both friends with
Greg... Then I noticed you're a snowboarder, too... Ever go to
You see what I did there? I left a question INSIDE my friend
request. For her to answer it, she's going to feel compelled to add
It's also just something people are looking to do. Let's face it,
we all measure our social success by how many people we've got as
friends on Facebook. We all want a HUGE network, so women will WANT
to add you - if only to increase their friend count.
STEP 3: Start leveraging the tools.
Facebook has a huge amount of potential for the guy who wants to
take advantage of them. You can add all kinds of cute little
applications to send virtual drinks to friends, send goofy gifts,
or even start your own polls and surveys.
But one of the best tools you need to be using is the GROUP
function on Facebook.
In fact, in preparing for this article, I created the group "Carlos
Xuma's Alpha Lifestyle" to start connecting you guys together and
enabling men to share information.
You can do this, too. Just create a group based on your passion and
your local area.
I'm going to advise you to avoid starting a group based on
"Warcraft" or on the latest hot actress.
Make your group something a woman can relate to and might be
interested in. Maybe it's the television show "Lost..." or maybe
it's about all things Italian.
Ba-da-bing! Now you've got a hook to use to invite her into your
STEP 4: Start escalating and creating more opportunities.
Remember, this is a VIRTUAL tool. It's online.
In other words, your connections don't REALLY exist anywhere except
on some server in an air-conditioned room in a data center somewhere.
It's up to YOU to bring these connections to life with events that
you can invite people to.
Most people will stroll around this virtual network, but then never
take it into the REAL world. That's where YOU come in.
Maybe once a month you should organize a happy hour at your local
favorite bar. Or maybe you make a Facebook group for wine tasters,
and then every other Friday you meet up and go tasting the latest
Pinot Noirs.
THAT is your opportunity to start looking for romantic potential in
the groups. You have to remember that you can't be a Facebook
"pickup artist" and try to "hit on" women online.
You have to build a network, forge some connections, and meet women
in person to start creating the attraction.
That being said, you can also send out some playful introductions
to women you don't know and see if they bite. (Just make sure your
profile has enough interesting bait for them to nibble at...)
- Write on people's walls...
- Send a few virtual drinks...
- Send some good karma...
- Use the "Flirtable" app...
For the man with initiative, the Facebook world is yours.
So step up and start creating the social network, then start
meeting the women in it.
By the way, if you'd like to add me as a friend, go look me up.
Carlos Xuma on Facebook.com...
Get Social!
NEW!!! LEARN Day time seduction HERE
Learn how to attract women:
Read moreLearn more: The Secrets of the Alpha Male
Posted by
6:00 PM
Labels: Online Dating
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Looking good is part of attraction and key to seduction. Dating Tips for men.
Looking good is part of attraction and key to seduction. Dating Tips for men.
What is your "Look"?
How do you think people see you, when they first meet you?
What is your first impression?
Do You Even KNOW yourself?
If not...you'll want to seriously consider what I am about to cover
with you.
Don't you think you deserve to make a strong first
impression? I think you DO.
That's the topic for the 8th installment of our Master Class
series...mastering your personal style, or what I often refer to
as, your LOOK.
I was just outside, coming back from lunch this afternoon. I made a
few mental notes about the various first impressions I noticed from
the sidewalk.
- First, a homeless person - so that's a clear and very extreme
first impression...right? I hope you don't fall into that category.
- Now we have a lovely attractive young woman without a jacket on a
day when you might wear a jacket, because it's somewhat chilly, and
a Burberry scarf, pearl earrings, hair pulled back. She's very
elegant, very pretty.
- And then there's a gentleman standing by the ATM, whose suit
makes him appear to be a security guard (which he isn't btw). His
clothing doesn't quite fit, just a little too big. His shoes are
not quite polished. He has a fairly bland look, with a balding
head, pounding away at his Blackberry.
(As a fun exercise: you might look around you and just see
how it is that you respond to people based on how they are
dressed...interesting, eh?)
One certainly sees everything here in New York, soup to nuts.
(And I mean NUTS)
You get everything from clear, specific, interesting personal styles,
as was described with that young lady.
With her, everything was working together - her outfit was well
organized, she looked smart and elegant. Also, it worked for her body.
Her look indicated a clear IMAGE to the world, one that served
her personality and her outer life for the day.
And then the blue-suited gentleman who frankly just faded
away. There's nothing directly interesting about how he looked,
therefore I won't remember him in five minutes time.
He "fits in" and struck me as an "average guy".
How many of you out there project the image of an "average guy"?
What I want to do with this email is to try to outline for you some
basic principles of building a personal style, or LOOK.
So the first piece you need to get handled, is understanding the
difference between being Physically attractive and Genetically
There is a difference, and in the dating game, it is a
HUGE difference.
Guys who are genetically attractive are typically naturally
handsome men. Think George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Pierce
Brosnan etc...
Guys who are physically attractive are any guy who goes
the extra mile or two to do the most with what he has. He
may or may not be genetically attractive, but he is always
looking his best - he is at his most attractive.
It is possible to be genetically attractive, and yet not
physically attractive. It is also possible to not be genetically
attractive BUT still be physically attractive.
Guess what? Women are just as interested in the LATTER
as the former.
So, if you take ownership of your LOOK and do the most
with what you have, you can optimize your look and
dramatically improve your chances with women.
No excuses! (in other words)
Typically, guys who struggle with women are not Physically
attractive MEANING that the things that are well within their
control are not "handled":
- Their fashion and style choices
- Their lifestyle choices and how that impacts their "vibe" or daily energy
- Their grooming
All the things that are within their control - things that you can
do TODAY to deal with that - are not handled, or are handled VERY
These are the "average" guys who struggle with women.
Am I ringing any bells here?
OK - so time for some action steps here:
Ask yourself the following three questions when considering your
look and image...here goes:
No. 1: Does it help me feel more powerful and confident?
No. 2: Will it help me achieve the aims I strive for in life?
No. 3: Does it work for my body type and personality?
Take those three questions with you as you begin to cultivate and
design for yourself an image.
These questions might factor into a decision over a certain
garment, jacket, pants...
Or, they might help when considering certain lifestyle choices
you are considering. If you're wondering whether to take an
art class or to take a language class, you might prefer the language
class as it would naturally bring you into contact with more and
more people (aka: WOMEN).
Let's look at an example related to fashion that you might be facing
even today.
If you have an office type of job, and you want to dress better at
the workplace (a GREAT idea by the way), diving into the
jeans rack at the Gap might not be the wisest choice.
What I would suggest, in that case, is going to a good men's
store, perhaps not something that's overpriced - here in
New York we have Zara, which is great for men, particularly
of my size, who are fairly thin and tall - they have great pants there.
Every major city typically has exceptional stores for clothing,
mid-range stores for clothing, and then the average stores for
I would stay away from the average stores, and shoot for the middle rack.
You know, you're not going to go to Saks Fifth Avenue, here in New York,
if you're not loaded with green. But you might go to Macy's, or Zara,
or you might go to good, intelligent thrift stores like Housing Works,
where they often have hand-me-down's worn by people who have great
taste in clothing.
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6:00 PM
Labels: beginner: look good
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Characteristic of an attractive men women want to be around. Seduction tips
Characteristic of an attractive men women want to be around. Seduction tips
Now, 13 characteristics of likable people. You don't need to do ALL
of these, just pick one or two and implement them and watch your
social life improve:
1. Smiling - People who are at ease, confident, and happy tend
to smile, and that smile puts people at ease. Smiling shows that
you're pleased to see someone which can be really flattering. If
you want to change one thing to come across more social, smile a
big smile. Sometimes you will not feel in the mood to smile -
however, if you choose to smile anyway you'll still get the great
2. Eye contact - Maintaining eye contact when you talk to
someone draws them deep into conversation with you - the rest of
the world slows down, and you both become quite important to each
other. It shows a calm confidence in what they are saying and it
makes them even more engaging, almost hypnotic. A quick tip: Right
eye to right eye. Look from your right eye to the right eye of the
person you're talking to. This strikes a great balance between good
eye contact and not staring.
3. Touch - You'll consistently see magnetic people reach out and
touch others. Touching shows emotion and affection and brings you
closer to other people. Humans crave physical contact with others,
and more emotion and affection can be expressed through touch than
any number of words ever could. Next time someone does or says
something you really like, give them a high five, some "pound", a
playful punch on the arm or a big hug.
4. Not talking about yourself - Likable people typically are
more curious to get to know other people and don't talk about
themselves as much. Likable people are always looking to find out
more about the other person, what they are doing, and what
interests them the most. Most people don't feel heard - likable
people know this, and encourage others to talk about what they
really enjoy.
5. Not talking too much - Closely related to the above point.
Likable people and high status people do not talk too much. Instead
they encourage others to talk and to open up. People love to talk
about their experiences and cool things they've done - when you
become more curious and encourage them to speak more, they'll
actually like you more. If you catch yourself rambling for a while,
an easy way to adjust is to say, "But that's enough about me - what
about you?"
6. Empathy - Making people feel understood, and striving to
truly understand them is powerful. Everyone wants to be understood.
People want to know that they are not alone in the world. If you
can reach out to understand another person, you'll instantly form a
great connection with them. Next time someone tells you something
heavy that you could have a long discussion on, instead try saying
just "I understand." You'll be amazed at how uplifting it can make
other people feel.
7. Not trying to impress - Somewhat accomplished people want
everyone to know about the accomplishments they've made. Really
amazing people are much more humble and low key about what they've
done. The most impressive people never actively try to impress
people. The result is that a man trying to impress communicates
that he's not impressive.
8. Showing praise and appreciation - Whenever you see anything
you like in another person, let them know. If people aren't used to
you opening up, praising, and appreciating constantly, you might
get a funny reaction at first. Once you've established that you're
constantly on the lookout for great things in others, people get
used to feeling empowered around you. When you do mention something
you really like, keep it casual. No big deal, no long talk. Just,
"Hey, I really appreciate that you did that." "I thought that was
really cool how you did that."
9. Never criticizing, ever, for any reason - Likable people
never criticize others. People universally hate criticism, and hate
people that criticize them. Likable people always start off with
genuine praise and appreciation before trying to give constructive
feedback, and will only give this feedback rarely (because likable
people understand that praise is a much better way to help people
change than even constructive feedback, and criticizing is almost
always useless).
10. Not trying to fix other peoples' problems - When someone
tells you they have a problem, but doesn't explicitly ask for your
help, that means they do not want you to tell them how to solve it.
They want to feel understood, cared about, and empowered. Over 90%
of the time, people know the solutions to their own problems. If
someone brings a minor problem to you, try listening, nodding,
letting them know you understand, and you're with them. Tell them
you believe in them and you think they'll sort it out. If they ask
what you'd do, maybe make a quick suggestion but don't drive the
point really hard. As crazy as it sounds, most people do not tell
others about their problems in order to get solutions; they want
understanding, empathy, and reassurance. People are very strong and
quite good at solving their own problems when believed in.
11. Eliminate negativity - Never mentioning anything you don't
like. Especially never being down on culture-wide things outside of
your direct control: So, not complaining about the government, pop
culture, fashions you think are silly, activist groups you disagree
with, and so on. Being positive is really good. Not talking about
things you dislike is even more important.
12. Never complain - When people complain, others feel slightly
less inclined to be around them. It brings people down. If you
don't like something, you have two choices: Take action to fix it,
or accept that it's there. When you realize that, there's no reason
to complain.
13. Never impose weakness on others - Everyone feels down from
time to time. The most charismatic people never "impose" that down
feeling on others; instead, they're a fort of strength for people
around them. The more you stay composed, and refrain from showing
being phased or flustered, the more you gain control over your
life. People start to respect you more, and they feel they can rely
on you.
You probably already do a lot of those - for a bonus, pick a couple
more and start implementing. You'll see quick improvements right
away, and long term improvements down the line.
.... LEARN more: www.puatraining.com From the best in England.
Get some training from these guys!!! You too will have the power if you have the will.
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6:00 PM
Labels: Attraction: non-verbal
Thursday, September 4, 2008
How to talk to women to sexual language and get her into bed with you.
How to talk to women to sexual language and get her into bed with you.
Seriously though, "Kino Escalation" is an often discussed
and important concept of the dating and attraction
community, and there really is a right way and a wrong
way when it comes to touching. This week's Weekend Wingman
will help you avoid the bad touch and charm the women you
desire into a deep sensual connection.
Plus, you'll read a quick note on how to use likeminded
peers to accelerate your own learning. After all, what fun
is flying without a good wingman?
Ask yourself this question constantly while you are with
your girl:"In what ways would I be touching her and would I expect
her to be touching me if she were my girlfriend RIGHT
That's it. Talk, talk, talk, blah, blah, blah, whatever,
back-and-forth, friendly, friendly, friendly...it is all
important, but when that first sensual kino is accepted
and reciprocated you know you have hit a critical moment.
POW! It's game on.
1. Upper-arm squeezes. Insert them at exclamation points
in your speech or at punch lines of jokes.
2. Backrubs. Try slipping them into exaggerated role
plays. She says "My boss sucks," you respond "Oh, I'm so
sorry." Then act like her dog died and add a back rub.
3. Your hand on her knee. In the car you can put your
hand on the center console so it's barely touching her
knee. Use knee squeezes at emphatic expressions in your
conversation. Constant hand on knee is quite a forward
but effective technique. Regular riders miss it when
it's not there. They may take your hand and put it on
their knee!
4. Constant seated contact. If there is a bench or other
suitable seat, sit next to her and touch hips or knees or
shoulders. See if she backs off or presses in.
5. Hands. Find her hand out on a table or surface. Place
your hand nonchalantly or accidentally next to hers just
barely touching, or even stronger with your pinky resting
on hers, just half an inch. If she doesn't pull away,
BINGO! Green light. Interlace pinky fingers. Magic.
Learn how to attract women:
Read moreLearn more: The Secrets of the Alpha Male
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6:00 PM
Labels: sexual communication
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
How To Date Women "Out Of Your League" Seduction Tips for men
How To Date Women "Out Of Your League" Seduction Tips for men
What if I were to tell you that there was a "secret" language that men and women used to communicate "sexual interest" to each other…
And what if I were to tell you that if you KNEW that language you would be able to start making women feel ATTRACTION for you INSTANTLY… but if you DIDN'T know that language (as most men don't), women would instantly "turn off" and never give you a second chance?
What if I further told you that I could teach you this "secret language" of SEXUAL COMMUNICATION, and it would INSTANTLY change your success level with women for the better?
As you know, truth is often stranger than fiction…
But after more than five years of carefully studying guys who are successful with women and dating (and going from clueless to very successful with women myself) I've figured something out that has gone UNDETECTED (or at least UNDISCLOSED) by almost every man that has ever lived.
An Important Discovery I Made
Before I tell you what the secret is, and how it works, I want to share a very interesting story with you…
This is the story of how I came to discover "Sexual Communication" the HARD way.
About five years ago, when I first started learning how to "meet women", I decided that it would be a good idea to read everything I could find about the topic.
So I went to bookstores, got on the internet, and bought all the books I could find on the subject. I also went to seminars, listened to audio tapes, and found just about every other source in existence to gather more information.
Here are a few examples of what I found:
"If a woman plays with her hair while she's talking to you, she's signaling that she's interested."
"If a woman sways her hips while she's walking, it means that she's signaling sexual availability."
"If a woman makes and keeps eye contact with you three times in a row, it means that she wants you to approach her and start a conversation."
I'm sure you've heard things like this yourself.
The problem is that the books didn't mention HOW TO GET A WOMAN TO DO THESE THINGS IN THE FIRST PLACE.
In other words, how do you get a woman to MAKE eye contact with you three times in a row? How do you get a woman to play with her hair while she's talking to you? This stuff sounded all well and good… except for the fact that women NEVER did these things around me!
Further, the books I was reading and other sources recommended things like:
"When a woman has a problem, she just wants a man to listen, not to try to fix it."
"If a woman gets upset with something or doesn't like something you've done, you should say “I'm Sorry.” That's how to fix it."
"Women like honest, sensitive men who can communicate their feelings."
And what happened when I did things like this?
Of course…
When I just "listened" to women's problems, they became "friends" and said things like "I really don't want to mess up our friendship, so let's just keep this as friends".
When I said "I'm sorry" to women, they looked at me as if to say "You should be."
When I was "honest" and "sensitive" and told women how I "felt" about them, they disappeared, and it seemed as if this was the WORST thing I could have done.
Before long, I came to realize the painful truth:
The "Relationship Experts" Don't Know What's Going On When It Comes To ATTRACTION
In short, not only was the advice that I found useless because it didn't teach HOW to make women feel attracted to me, even WORSE I was learning things that were clearly HURTING me and reducing my chances of success.
It didn't seem possible.
But it was.
I later found out that two of the biggest "relationship" experts had been married to EACH OTHER, and got DIVORCED… and that one of them was on her fourth or fifth husband.
The more I read and learned from the "experts", the more I couldn't help but realize two things:
Most of what I was learning just wasn't right, and it didn't work.
Most of the "experts" were NOT successful themselves at attracting women.
Now, I don't want to make it sound like there's NOTHING available to teach a guy how to be successful with women, and that nothing that anyone says works.
Some of the things I tried DID work. The problem was that:
The things that were "good" and that "worked" were few and far between.
I had to learn about 10 things that DIDN'T work to get to something that DID work.
In other words, it was a frustrating, confusing road to find the gems in the huge mountain of information.
There had to be a better way.
Well, the answer to my situation, it turned out, was an unusually simple and obvious one.
Learning From The “Naturals”
I went out and started making friends with guys who were "naturally" good with women.
Instead of listening to what the "experts" CLAIMED was the right thing to do, I started actually watching with my own two eyes.
I went out and watched, listened, and took careful notes… as I personally observed some very successful guys approaching women, getting phone numbers, and in many cases KISSING, MAKING OUT WITH, and even TAKING HOME women they had just met.
And what I saw CONFUSED THE HELL out of me.
These guys were do things like making fun of women they didn't know, behaving like arrogant jerks, and in some cases being almost abusive. I just couldn't believe that these behaviors had anything to do with their success.
I discounted all of it, and chalked it up to something else. Maybe these guys were really "attractive" or good-looking to women. Maybe they had some other advantage I didn't know about. Or maybe they were so persistent that they overcame these "mistakes" they were making.
In fact, it took me several MONTHS of thinking about what was happening before the light bulb came on in my head, and I realized that what I was learning from the so-called "experts" was NOT what actually worked.
One of my friends who was (and still is) particularly good with women and making them feel ATTRACTION for him once tried to explain what he was doing for me.
He said "I take an attitude with women that is a combination of being arrogant while at the same time being funny… and women love it… they eat it up." Sometimes he used the word "cocky" to describe his communication and behavior with women.
He told me this same thing over the next few months.
Every time he said it, I became confused.
I just couldn't imagine how being "cocky & funny" could possibly be the thing that made women like him. It made no sense to me, and I always discounted that particular thing, and looked for OTHER things he was doing that were probably the REAL reasons he was successful.
Well, after watching him interact with women on many occasions, and making friends with other guys who were really good with women, I started to realize something VERY profound.
I realized that when THESE guys started conversations with women, the women they were talking to were talking to them in a way that was very DIFFERENT from the way they were talking to other guys.
One night I went out with a different friend, and we met up with two beautiful girls.
From the INSTANT the conversation started, they were happy and animated when talking to him.
But every time I got into the conversation, they just looked at me with a bored stare.
It was bizarre.
Here I was with a guy friend and two women, and it was like they were changing IDENTITY when talking to my friend.
For some damn unexplainable reason, he was having a MAGICAL effect on them.
We all decided to go to the dance floor of the club where we met.
The girl he was dancing with was smiling, flirting, and dancing sexy with him, and her friend was dancing with me in a way that said "I wish I wasn't even here."
Of course, when my friend would look at the girl I was dancing with, or reach over and touch her, she'd become happy and excited again.
The IRONIC part of this story is that my friend loves to TEASE women, bust their balls, and make fun of them to the EXTREME. He is about as far from a "nice guy" as they get.
I, on the other hand, was VERY "nice" and polite. A perfect gentleman, really.
As you can probably tell, this moment had a big impact on me.
Here I was being the model of a nice, respectful guy… and my friend was being an arrogant bastard… and the women loved HIM.
Let me ask you… have you ever had something like this happen? Have you ever had a woman act "coldly" to you, and then turn around and hang all over another guy?
It sucks, doesn't it? And the worst part is not understanding WHY it's happening… and feeling like there's nothing you can DO about it.
My Big Realization...
Shortly after that, I had the "Ah Ha!" moment that I mentioned earlier.
It struck me in a "blinding flash of the obvious" that MAYBE WOMEN INTERPRETED THE WAY MY FRIENDS WERE ACTING IN A DIFFERENT WAY THAN I WAS.
In other words, I realized that maybe there was some sort of "code language" being used. And because I didn't know it, I couldn't understand it.
Have you ever seen one of those code books that has a paragraph of "normal sentences", but if you take every third letter of each word it spelled out an entirely different message? And if you didn't know that there was a "code", you'd never see the other message?
Well, that was the big realization for me.
Shortly after having this insight, I went out with my other friend - the first one I told you about who tried to explain his attitude with women to me. We actually went out to a topless club on this particular night (Shhhhh).
On the way, I was having him explain his "method" to me again.
But THIS time I was listening to EXACTLY what he was saying, and treating the conversation like I was trying to learn a new "code."
Well, we walked into the club, and within about an hour I had a girl who would not get off my lap, and who gave me her phone number right on the spot (and later went out with me several times). Keep in mind, this was a topless club, and I had not "purchased" any dances from this girl or given her any money.
What REALLY "tripped me out" about this was the way I was BEHAVING when I was in the club talking to her.
I was doing and saying things to her that I NEVER would have said or done before. I was actually behaving in a way that I had previously assumed could NEVER be the way to attract women.
And yet it worked.
I was confused and excited all at the same time.
I had been difficult, stand-offish, brash, and NON-complimentary (translation: anything but "nice")… and yet she liked me enough to give me her real name and phone number on the spot.
Well, over the next couple of years I was able to put the entire "puzzle" together.
I have to say, it was like trying to put a huge puzzle together in a dimly lit room, without knowing what the picture on the cover looked like… but I did it.
And here are some of the amazing things I figured out:
There is a "secret language" that is as real as the English language… and this language is the KEY to communicating on a "sexual" level with women. I call this language "Sexual Communication."
In the land of Sexual Communication, nothing "means" what it should. Just like the sound of the word "see" means to "perceive using your vision" in English and it means "yes" in Spanish, the language of Sexual Communication required a completely different understanding of communication.
Women are VERY "fluent" in the language of Sexual Communication, but most men are NOT. And those men that ARE fluent in this language have incredible success with women. I've met men who have been with literally hundreds and hundreds of women… and I've met men who have been with ZERO women. Those that have been with more women know this language well, and those that haven't been successful with women universally do not.
A woman can tell almost INSTANTLY if you know the language of Sexual Communication. If you do NOT know it, the door "slams shut" and she will not send or receive messages on this level with you… in most cases EVER.
If you DO know this language, and signal to a woman that you know it at the very BEGINNING of your first interactions with her, you will enjoy a very different kind of communication and relationship with that woman from all the other guys she knows.
"Attraction" is a topic that very little is known about, yet it is a KEY to success with women and dating. If you don't understand what Attraction is, how to trigger it, and how to amplify it, you will always have trouble with women.
Many of the things that "trigger" Attraction in women are not what our moms taught us to do with women. They must be LEARNED. A woman will NEVER say "Hey, you're doing the wrong thing here. You're not making me feel Attraction for you right now with what you're doing and saying. Here, let me show you how to make me feel Attraction for you…". Never.
It has taken me several YEARS of careful study, testing, refining, interviewing, etc. to figure this language of Sexual Communication out… and to figure out how to explain it in plain, everyday language. It is VERY unlikely that most guys will ever figure it out by accident… and most men will go to their graves still wondering what the secret to success with women is.
Now, let me ask you a few questions…
What if you knew how to start conversations with women in a way that made them INSTANTLY respond to you with ELECTRICITY? In other words, what if you could SPARK conversations with women in a way that made them respond to YOU by flirting, smiling, and becoming attracted?
How would your life be different if you understood the way to MAGNETICALLY attract women? Instead of tricking them or trying to "buy" their affections with food, gifts, and compliments (which never works that well anyway), what if you were a guy that women wanted to be around just because your PERSONALITY attracted them?
Have you always wondered what that "magic ingredient" was that made women warm up to some guys, but not others? Would you love to have a behind-the-scenes look into how it works?
... LEARN more: www.puatraining.com From the best in England.
Get some training from these guys!!! You too will have the power if you have the will.
Posted by
6:21 PM
Labels: sexual language