Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Pua Openers: the Best way to open a mixed set, how topick up tips and dating advice #003

Pua Openers: Best way to open a mixed set, how topick up tips and dating advice #3

Opening using Who are you people routine.

*[A mixed set is a set that has male as well as female members.]

What is "Opener"
It's a form of pick up line, but not as cheesy and most of them are proven to be effective or field proved. It is basically a conversation starter, an excuse to talk to a person, and the beginning of the getting to know each other process.

Opening #003 Who are you people routine.

Credit: Wayne Elise "Juggler"

** On this routine, you don't really have to be so rigid, I have seen guys who do things by the book. (I hardly ever hang with them again.) To open good and be awesome pua, you need to have the right combination amount of attitude, presence, body language, and congruency or calibration. *Hint: loosen up guys, just have fun and enjoy it. Don't take women so seriously when you pick them up. Treat and tease them like a child, a cute one. -Voodoo

This would work GREAT during the high energy situation like Bar, lounge, club and such.

1. "It's interesting that when you have a group of four or more people together
like this, the tallest always stands across from the shortest." - alter as

2. "Who are you people?"

3. "Who is the leader here?" (They all point)
Say playfully to leader, "What qualifies you to be in charge?" "Do you know
what alpha means?"

4. "Do you guys want to see a magic trick? Alright, close your eyes." (Take
cute girl by the hand away from the group while everybody's eyes are closed. Do
not return.)

5. "You see that group over there? They said they are more fun than your group.
Please prove to me they are mistaken."

6. "Where have I seen you guys before? Were you at so and so's party? The one
where the stripper gave a lap dance to the clown."

7. "I bet I can use my Psychic powers to figure out how everybody knows each
other. Mmmmm let's see. I am getting a vibe. Yes there it is. You are all
members of the same nudist club. I can tell because you are very comfortable
with each other but not comfortable with your clothes. (Whisper to girl) "Which
guy is the biggest?" "Really, I would have never guessed. Of course it is what
you do with it that counts. Which would you prefer? A guy with a big dick or a
guy with a medium dick and five years of massage school?"

8. "You should know you are standing on sacred indian ground. The legend is
that the Nodrogyar tribe used this very spot to sacrifice virgins. Where you
are standing sir(point) is where the tribal women would prepare the honored
girl by rubbing her bare body with scented oils..."

9. Approach one group member. Make friends. get that person to introduce you to
everybody else.

10. "You guys aren't a bad looking group but you could be better if you applied
some Feng Shui."

11. "Hi, I'm CPowles10" (Shake the hands of those closest to you - but not
everyone) "So what are you guys talking about?" Do this right and they will all
presume you know someone else in the group. If you get called on it you just
look like a bold confident man.

12. "Okay, who's been naughty and who's been nice?"

13. "Count the number of people in the group(say N)
Say out loud
'Dont you guys know that 'N' is an unlucky number?'
Then add
'Good thing I'm here otherwise you would all be cursed to damnation'"

***Watch Live Video How this guy pick this cute girl up (setting up date and get her phone numbers) during the day time within five minutes!***

.... LEARN more: From the best in England.
Get some training from these guys!!! You too will have the power if you have the will.

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Watch Live Video: How to pick up hot girl, and get her numbers within 3 minutes!!! Amazing skill pick up artist. Here...