Seduction Tip: Play Hard to get women? THREE STEPS TO GET BACK WITH A WOMAN WHO PULLS AWAY.
1) YOU slow down the pace.
Now that you're back to dating regularly again, you must be the one to demonstrate some doubt and put the brakes on yourself.
Of course, in a lot of other dating situations, she cools off and the guy is left desperately scrambling to get her to even see him again, but either way, it calls for some restraint.I talk about this quite a bit in my ebooks, but your best demonstration of strength and Alpha Confidence comes when you show her that you have self-discipline and self-control. It will then give her the space she needs to desire you again.
Let me say this again, because it is such an important concept:
A woman will want you again when she feels like there is nothing pushing her to you.
It's a simple psychological principle that has worked for me with EVERY woman that expressed hesitation about getting together and getting physical. All you need to do is give her the emotional experience of uncertainty to re-awaken her desire.
Just say something like:
"You know, I've been thinking that maybe we're moving forward pretty quick. I'd like to slow it down a little and make sure we can just be friends first. You know what I mean?"
This will relax her, and then you keep marching forward.
Of course we know that you never try to just be "friends first" with a woman that you're intimately connected to. It just doesn't work. But you want to create the space for her to understand that you won't be pressuring her.
This will create the space where you can then...
2) Establish trust and rapport.
The one thing she's looking for before she goes forward with you physically is that she can TRUST you. So you must show her that you are a reliable (but not boring) guy.
Take her out with some friends of yours that you've known for a while and are fun. I've found this a great way to demonstrate my social value as well as get her out of the same old mindset.
ALPHA FORMULA #1: Rapport is NOT equal to TRUST.
Rapport LEADS to trust, but does not guarantee it.
Rapport and trust are not exactly the same thing. It's up to you to find out where her current trust issues are and eliminate them.
Don't ask here where they are, either. All you can do is show her some vulnerability, and that she is not just someone you're out to score with. Maybe even a little time.
Oh, yes, this is something every "pickup artist" on the planet fears, but is ultimately more honest and compelling than the "command & conquer" method of trying to control a woman.
ALPHA FORMULA #2: Vulnerable does NOT equal WUSS.
It simply means being secure enough to demonstrate rapport by revealing common emotions to her.
Of course you also want to...
3) Switch gears back to having FUN as fast as you can.
The one thing I discovered that had the most impact on making women interested in getting physical with me again was to get her to have FUN with me.
A woman's emotional experience and sexual attraction with you is directly related to how much fun she feels when she's with you.
The more I got her active and out of her head, the less I was "serious" and pushing to move forward in a relationship, the more I found that she wanted attention and time from me.
And, the reverse was true. The more I felt like she was slipping away and the harder I worked to "fix" things, the more I actually sabotaged the good vibe we had together. Secrets of inner game and self confidence
When she's having fun, she has nothing else to worry about.
When she's having fun, she's not in her head.
When she's having fun, she's connecting on a very intense level with you.
Learn how to attract women:
Read moreLearn more: The Secrets of the Alpha Male
Monday, June 30, 2008
Seduction Tip: Play Hard to get women? THREE STEPS TO GET BACK WITH A WOMAN WHO PULLS AWAY.
Posted by
7:36 AM
Labels: Attraction: Push Pull
Friday, June 27, 2008
Seduction Dating tips: Three Big Secret during Mid-Gaming, dating advice for men
Seduction tips: Three Big Secret during Mid-Gaming, dating advice for men.
I've been watching a lot of guys talk to girls. I've spent hundreds of hours listening to every word of the conversation between a guy and a girl who have just met. This has enabled me to come up with countless new theories and methods of teaching. This was a massive realisation for me....
Do you generally just "chat"?
Is your conversation undirected and random?
Are you actually interested in the answer to the questions you ask?
Are you just filling time until you go for the close?
Hey, it's what most guys do, so you'll do okay like that, but here's how we can super power your conversation from the first minute to the close. Pay attention and watch your results multiply.After the opener, once the girl has committed to an interaction you need to be focused on 3 possible objectives and to switch between these modes as necessary. Here they are:
In this mode, you are actively working to elicit emotions, motivations and character traits and to connect on them thus facilitating the strongest possible close. Your conversation follows the format: elicit information, connect, go deeper. If you ask a series of questions you will put the woman under pressure and have an unnatural interaction. Underneath the answers to surface level questions, from her favourite colour to her job to her interests, there are always deeper levels of connection - what that favourite colour says about her character, why she works (for money, because it is a passion, to reach her future dreams).
Number Closing
When you need to be going for the close, start to lead into it. Go for connections and mutual interests that can lead to a date. A classic example is: "Do you like going to clubs?" "Yes!" "Cool, we go to lots of cool parties, you should come sometime" "Okay" (Hand phone). The idea is that when you know you need to be closing you start to look for things to do together that seem to flow naturally from the conversation but allow you to go for the number.
Building Attraction
If you are having a nice interaction but you feel it isn't going anywhere you need to build attraction. You do this with:
Challenges - Think about what you want in your ideal girl and ask her questions to see if she measures up.
Breaking Rapport - 'nice' guys agree with everything, confident guys agree when they agree and disagree when they disagree.
Status - Act like the CEO, think about your tone, keep it flatter. Be comfortable with pauses. Remove umms and errs.
Anyway, hope that helps.
.... LEARN more: From the best in England.
Get some training from these guys!!! You too will have the power if you have the will.
Posted by
10:57 AM
Labels: Intermediate: Mid-Game
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Dating Secret for men: Getting result you want from any woman Part III
Dating Secret for men: Getting result you want from any woman Part III
by SwingCat
Part I and II: HERE
A big part of motivating people to do what you desire is having value – or what I like to call “Prizability” – in their eyes.
Think about it…
What happens when a stranger sporting the Prizability of a dingle berry tells you to do something? I’m willing to bet, you’ve got the motivation of a Jerry Springer watching, bonbon eating couch potato.
Do you need a Herculean physique, Brad Pitt’s mug, Ron Jeremy’s schlong, and Warren Buffett’s bank account for women to think you’re the Prize?
Do you have to squander away your hard-earned moollah on women for them to see you as Prizable?
Short answer: A big fat in-your-face NO!
Long answer: There’s a much easier road to becoming the Prize in the eyes of many a woman that doesn’t involve pissing away your cash or letting a surgeon carve Brad Pitt’s face into your mug.
It’s called the Meta-Frame. (If you’ve been reading my letters for a while you know about the Meta-Frame. If you haven’t, don’t worry. You’re about to get a crash course on it.)
Every male/female interaction has a Meta-Frame that defines (and assigns) the role each person plays: one as the Prize, the other as trying to win over the Prize.Your job is to establish a Meta-Frame that defines you as the Prize.
Most men make one of two mistakes...
1). They establish a Meta-Frame that defines their role in the interaction as the one trying to win the woman over.
2). Like spineless wimps, they let the woman establish the Meta-Frame. (If you let a woman control the Meta-Frame, you’ll get defined as the one trying to win her over.)
Alas, once a man loses the role of the Prize, the woman stops feeling attraction and starts perceiving him as having little to no Prizability.
As a crippling consequence, his chances of pulling her into his Meta-Intent teeter on impossible.
Let’s look at a few examples…
Imagine a guy with his balls intact strutting up to a cold-as-ice vixen. But before he utters a single word she hisses, “If you wanna talk to me, you need to buy me a martini.”
If he buys her a drink, who’s in control of the Meta-Frame?
If you think he’s in control, do yourself a favor and man-slap yourself across the face – you’ll thank me later.
If you answered “her,” you’re on the right track, my man.
By him buying her a drink, he’s taking on the role of the chaser.
How do I keep the interaction alive if I don’t buy her a drink? Won’t she ask me to leave?
Good questions.
Try to think of a rebuttal that uses her words “get me a drink” to affirm that your role is the Prize and hers is trying to win you over.
With a little practice, this is easier than you might think.
You could scold her with, “How dare you tell me to buy you drink, you classless peasant.”
Will this work?
Probably not. It lacks two key pieces: humor and playfulness.
Without humor and playfulness, your response will come across as an emotional reaction to her. Anytime your response to a woman is fraught with emotion, you’re playing the role of the chaser, not the Prize.
Plus, without humor and playfulness, it’s about as subtle as a freight train that you’re trying to shove her out of the role of the Prize and push her into the role of the chaser.
There’s nothing that makes a woman resist your Meta-Frame more than feeling muscled out of one role and forced into another.
On the other hand, when your rebuttal packs plenty of humor and playfulness, it demonstrates that you’re emotionally non reactive and assumes – not coerces – that the woman’s role is the chaser. (In the last several months I’ve discovered a slew of secrets about being non reactive. If I get enough requests, I’ll put together a letter on my recent findings.)
Try to come up with a few examples on your own.
How about saying aloud in a playful tone, “Mental note self: Get her a copy of the Emily Post book of etiquette for her birthday”?
Now that’s great. It uses humor to call her on acting classless.
Unless she’s lumbered with an IQ barely hovering into the double digits, she’s gonna laugh.
By her laughing, she’s acknowledging that asking you to get her a drink lacks class.
This implies the Meta-Frame that you’re the Prize she’s trying to win over.
You can also change the Meta-Intent by changing the Meta-Frame.
Let’s pretend you’re talking to a girl and your Meta-Intent is to sleep with her. If she blurts out, “I gotta go home,” you could retort with, “Look, I hardly even know you and you’re already trying to get me to go home with you. It just proves that girls are bigger perverts than guys.”
This defines the words “I gotta go home” as her trying to get you into bed and establishes the Meta-Frame that you’re the Prize she’s trying to win over.
But it also establishes your Meta-Intent. It does this by defining her role as a pervert trying to get you into bed.
Using this example by itself probably won’t get you your desired outcome.
But if you sprinkle this kind of communication throughout your interactions with women, getting your intended outcome becomes as easy as turning on the TV.
If you’re really serious about taking your game to the next level, there’s something even more powerful than Meta-Frames…
It’s called “Sexual Frames.”
Sexual Frames do everything Meta-Frames do plus they activate compliance triggers hardwired into every woman’s brain.
In case you’re wondering, compliance triggers are neurological structures that when activated unconsciously compel a person to comply with your every whim.
Advertisers spend a great deal of time and money studying how to activate these compliance triggers because they know this is the key to emotionally driving people to do what the they want them to do.
If you’re interested in H-bomb level power and choice with women, I suggest you check out my Sexual Connections audio course.
Inside Sexual Connections I break down step-by-step how to use Sexual Frames to compel women on an unconscious level to give you the outcome with them that you want.
Master them and you can write your own destiny with women.
And this barely grazes the surface… you’ll also get your hands on dozens of other secrets for bypassing a woman's critical factor and taping into primitive parts of her brain that are responsible for raw sexual arousal.
Learn how to attract women:
Read moreLearn more: The Secrets of the Alpha Male
Posted by
8:54 AM
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Dating Secret for men: Getting result you want from any woman part II
Dating Secret for men: Getting result you want from any woman part II
by SwingCat
Continue from Part I: HERE
Step 2 is developing the unwavering belief that you’re intended outcome with her is inevitable.
How do beliefs operate? A belief directs your mind at things consistent with it. Likewise, it blinds you from perceiving anything inconsistent with it.
Let’s look at an example...
As hapless Joe goo-goo eyes a piece of T&A origami his down-below parts rise to full attention. He fantasizes about moist relief with this hunk of Darwinian perfection.
But he doesn’t believe it’s possible.
As a crippling consequence, success with her is grim.
Even if he does approach her, his mind will focus on everything that’s going wrong.If she gets distracted, momentarily looks bored, or disagrees with him, he’ll interpret it as evidence that he doesn’t have a chance with her.
His belief will blind him from noticing all the subtle I-wanna-fuck-your-brains-out bread crumbs she’s dropping.
But it gets worse…
What you put your focus of attention on is where the women will put hers.
Take a wild guess what happens when hapless Joe puts all of his attention on things that don’t bode well for him achieving his desired outcome?
The woman will put her attention on these things as well.
From the get-go, she may have found him, as Fat Bastard would say, “dead sexy.”
But by the time his negative beliefs infect her, the only thing she’ll notice about him are the words “I’m a big fat loser” push-pinned to his forehead.
I’ve experienced this hundreds of times myself. Styling my hair is like trying to discipline a feral child.
However, last year my hairstylist accomplished the impossible by giving me a kickass haircut. I felt like a billion big ones and believed every woman in the world would sleep with me at my whim.
That night I met a blonde sporting Brigitte Bardot’s mug in her prime and two basketball sized tah tahs itching to get out of her low cut top.
Within fifteen minutes of meeting her, I pulled her into the bathroom for a midnight hump-a-thon.
Later that night, when I brushed my teeth for bed I caught a glimpse of my reflection in the mirror.
To the horror of my eyeballs, a ghastly boil sat dead center on my schnozz.
Quickly, I grabbed my camera to see if I’d been lugging around this hideous growth all night. Sure enough, it accompanied me in every picture.
On the other hand, I’ve had nights where I felt about as attractive as varicose veins spider webbing across a fat woman’s thighs.
I’d struggle to get laid in brothel with a fist full of hundred dollar bills, I thought.
Not surprisingly, women avoided me like a leper.
But when I looked at pictures of myself the next day, I realized that I was oozing sex appeal.
Here’s an exercise for developing the belief that you’re destined to get the outcome you desire with a woman…
Find a quiet place without any distractions eager to pull you away from this exercise. Put on your movie director’s cap and get ready to design your reality.
Visualize the kinda girl you want to attract. Add in as many details as you can.
What color is her hair? How tall is she? What color are her eyes? What is she wearing?
Next, create a movie in your mind going from meeting this woman to getting the outcome you want with her.
Then play this movie over and over again in your mind. Spend a minimum of twenty minutes watching this mental movie before going out to meet women. As time goes on you’ll do some editing and fine tuning.
Step 3 is to detach yourself like a Buddhist monk from your desire to achieve your intended outcome.
This is easier than it sounds. You don’t need to cloister yourself away in a monastery for the next decade to achieve this.
When most men approach a woman, they unconsciously create a rule that all of their self worth and source of happiness is dependent upon getting the outcome they desire with her. (I’m sure a few people reading this are chuckling with guilt. You know why? Because we’ve all committed this sin.)
Right before you approach the next woman you want to meet, take a few minutes to meditate on all of the things that bring you happiness and validation besides achieving your intended outcome with her.
Does this make your desire disappear? Not at all. But it does rip to shreds your attachment to the desire.
Something magical happens when you know what you want, believe you’ll get it, yet aren’t emotionally attached to the outcome: you magnetically draw women into your Meta-Intent.
On Friday I’m going to email you part 2 to this article: the outer game to getting what you want with women.
Before I let you go, I wanna bring up an important facet to getting what you want from women.
Without the ability to vibe with women, these inner game techniques are rendered useless.
When in the presence of attractive women, do you ever feel tongue-tied, suspect they’re bored silly, need a prepared piece of conversion just keep the interaction alive, or ache with frustration that you aren’t getting the outcome you want with them?
If so, take it as a sign that you need improve your vibing skills.
In fact… one of the biggest things holding guys back from succeeding with women is their lack of ability to vibe with women.
That’s why I’ve decided to put together a course called “Natural Vibing” where I break down in plain English for you how to quickly build sexual vibes with women, giving you the power to get the outcome you want with them.
Even the info page about the course is an education in and of itself.
Continue to Part III: HERE
Learn how to attract women:
Read moreLearn more: The Secrets of the Alpha Male
Posted by
8:46 AM
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Dating to Seduction Secret for men: Getting result you want from any woman I
Dating Secret for men: Getting result you want from any woman Part I
by SwingCat
I was out with a buddy of mine the other night. He struck up a conversation with a plain Jane adorned in Paris Hiltonesque couture and P Diddy bling.
My eyeballs glanced at her mug and then relayed an unsightly snapshot to my brain: acne, liver spots, and crow’s feet shrouded behind a coat of foundation thick as stucco.
Her neck skin, resembling alligator hide. Her scalp buckled to horsehair extensions.
Although she made my throat spasm and dry heave, my buddy’s heart ached for a date with her.
I don’t judge what type of girl’s my friends are into. But I do want them to achieve their aspirations with women.
And here lies the problem…
Because my friend didn’t know how to shepherd his interaction with her in the direction he wanted, she slipped away without him getting a kiss… a number… or a date.Goals with women often differ from one man to the next.
Maybe you want a girlfriend or wife, a soul mate, a booty call you can drunk dial at 4 o’clock Saturday morning, a one-night-stand, a threesome, a maid to cook and clean for you… or something entirely different?
But there’s a universal truth about all heterosexual males (minus priests) bigger than Britney Spear’s camel toe…. bigger than Jenna Jameson’s moose knuckle…
We all want more control over our desired outcome with females.
And that’s precisely what you’ll learn in this letter.
I wanna introduce you to a concept I call the Meta-Intent.
One of the many meanings of the word ‘intent’ is to move towards a specific goal.
Your intent during your next interaction with a woman may be to get a phone number, play tonsil hockey, make mad passionate monkey into the wee hours of the morning… or something else.
The woman’s intent might be to make you a Platonic friend she can yap about her guy problems to, turn you into an ATM machine with feet, coax you into buying her overpriced dinners and jewelry… and so on.
During the course of your interaction with her, your intent as well as hers may change several times.
But there’s something ominous lurking in the background.
Before I tell you what it is, I wanna ask you a quick question…
Has a parent or boss ever told you to do something you didn’t want to do but you did it anyway? Maybe you even thought about not doing it. But in the end you caved.
One more quick question…
Have you ever had a girl you lusted after make it clear as day that your chances of moving beyond “friends only’ with her were whump shut and, like a big passive bottom, you accepted this?
Perhaps, every time you felt an unspeakable urge in your crotch to make a move on her, you stopped yourself, fearing that you’d cross a dangerous barrier?
You were trapped inside her Meta-Intent.
In this letter you’re gonna learn skills for pulling women into your Meta-Intent and staying outside of theirs.
The first half of the letter focuses on the inner game – the mental part – to establishing and controlling the Meta-Intent. (This is damn important, my man. Without having all of the unconscious parts of your mind on board with the Meta-Intent you want to establish with a woman, success with her has the vitality of a Dutch Euthanasia ward.)
The second half concentrates on the outer game: specific technique for pulling a woman into your Meta-Intent and keeping her there.
As you’ll see, the inner and outer game are connected at the hip.
The Inner Game To Establishing & Controlling the Meta-Intent…
The first step is to get crystal-clear on what you want out of your interactions with women.
It’s okay to change what you want as your relationship progresses. For example, my goal with some women started off as casual sex but eventually developed into wanting a serious relationship.
But here’s a big ol’ fat red flag: Often, when men think their priorities have changed with a woman, they’ve unknowingly slipped into her Meta-Intent. So if your wants and desires begin to change, ask yourself…
Have my goals changed or have I become the bitch-slave to her Meta-Intent?
Continue to PART II: HERE
.... LEARN more: From the best in England.
Get some training from these guys!!! You too will have the power if you have the will.
Posted by
8:12 AM
Monday, June 23, 2008
Seduction tips: Good Calibration will get you any girls, Men's Dating Advice
Seduction tips: Good Calibration will get you any girls, Dating Advice for men.
(Rapport, Push-Pull, Attraction)
What can I say, I'm a sucker for the pretty eyes.
Whenever someone wants to bust my balls, they invariably fall back on
this; my predilection for the, shall we say, *voluptuous* girls.Like, one of these chicks will be walking by and they'll sing out, "I wish I
had JEFFY'S GIIIIRRRL!!!" to the tune of Rick Springfield's song,
"Jesse's Girl".
Get the picture?
Now, don't get me wrong here, I've hooked up with models and strippers
before, women that were incredibly fit, etc. In fact, most of the time, these
types of girls are my targets, I get with them on a regular basis. After all,
as you mentioned, Anthony, the RSD game was originally *built* for the
high-calibre, seemingly unattainable women. It's not a question of ability.
It's just that, once in a while... ONCE IN A WHILE... I get a taste for
some of that Rubenesque action. About once a fiscal quarter, in fact. You
can almost set your watch to it.
What's the point of all this? Simple.
I know my buddies are gonna give me grief about it. I just DON'T CARE.
That's right. I simply do not care.
By being concerned about what others think of you, you create a gap
between the true "you" that lies at the core of your being and the persona
that you are projecting to the world.
For better or worse (usually worse), this affects how you come across.
Things seem unnatural, forced, awkward. There's a slight off-timing in the
delivery, something strange that the other person can't put their finger on,
but they know it's there.
For a person who is congruent, this is not the case. They are magnetic,
charismatic, etc. People are sucked into their reality, not the other way
So many people run around trying to attain things that they are TOLD they
SHOULD want (by society, their peers, etc.), and they end up completely
neglecting the things THEY want.
If you want to get with a certain type of girl, whether she's old enough to
be your grandma, has a mohawk, purple and green spots all over her,
whatever. Go for it, regardless of what others
Having said that, let me get to your question.
You are correct in your assertion that many of the tactics and techniques
espoused by RSD are tailored to women of high self-esteem with high
social value. That's not ENTIRELY the case, however.
Even a "10" as you call it can have insecurity issues, and as such, this is
something that needs to be taken into consideration every time you
approach a woman.
That's why we teach CALIBRATION as one of the fundamental pillars of
During the course of a given interaction, you should be constantly
monitoring your relative value with regard to the target and adjusting your
tone accordingly to elicit the "autopilot response" you want.
What do I mean by this?
Think of your tone as a continuum. At one end, you have what we call
"trying for rapport" (TR). On the other end, you have "breaking rapport"
(BR). And somewhere in the middle there's "neutral rapport" (NR).
People will generally respond to these three different types of
communication in very predictable ways: they tend to chase BR, blow off
TR, and sit there indifferent to NR.
This is why we do things like teasing the girls and doing "takeaways"
where we walk off on a high note. These are "BR" behaviors that raise our
value in the eyes of the girls we are approaching. It takes us from "just the
next loser to hit on me" and puts us on equal footing. From there, it's game
Now, with these lower self-esteem women, your perceived value is
*already* equal to or higher than hers before you even approach. If you go
in with these BR tactics, you're liable to crash and burn before you've even
I'll tell you a little story.
The other night, I'm at my favorite karaoke bar. I'm on stage singing Air
Supply, and I hit the 18-second note sustain at the end of "All Out of
Love" perfectly, I knock it out of the park.
So I get off stage. My friend Chuck indicates a few girls standing off to
the side. "Dude," he says, "these chicks LOVE you."
I look at them. They look okay, what you might call 7s. Whatever, I think,
there's nothing better here tonight, I got nothing better to do, what the hey.
So I start to approach them. One of the girls sees this and runs up to ME. I
high-five her, and hold onto her hand. She doesn't pull it away. I then give
her hand a squeeze, and she squeezes back. This is what we call "kino-
pinging", and it's a test to see how well things are going in a pickup. If
they reciprocate, you know it's ON.
So there I am, still holding hands with this girl, she's got a broad smile on
her face, and I haven't even said anything yet.
Is it on? Yeah, it's on.
So the first thing I say is a neutral opinion opener, then I tease her slightly
on her response. She drops my hand.
I start to run game, using my usual tactics. After a couple minutes of this,
she's not smiling anymore. I'm wondering what the heck is going on... I'm
executing picture-perfect game here.
Finally, I ask her, "So, what are you guys doing here?"
She blows up.
I'm standing there in shock as the chick runs back to her friends and starts
gesticulating wildly, pointing in my direction. The karaoke host calls her
up to sing. She says, "NO!! NO! Not with THIS!!", pointing at me.
I try to explain. "I didn't mean anything, I just was wondering what
brought you to.."
"NO!!" she yells, "NO!! NO!" and she storms out of the bar. Her friends
look embarrassed and duly follow her out.
Now, let's examine what happened here.
She obviously misinterpreted my comment. My tone was not rude, I was
simply wondering how they came to be at the karaoke bar that particular
On a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being "excuse me miss, if I might ask you
perchance, what brings you and your esteemed friends to this lovely
establishment this particular evening, if I may be so bold as to inquire,
please thank you?" and 10 being "psssh... what the hell are YOU doing
here? (look of disdain)", my tone was like a 7, TOPS.
Slightly cocky maybe. Nothing to warrant that response, certainly.
It didn't matter. I was poorly calibrated.
The girl was low self-esteem to begin with. Add that to the fact that I had
just displayed MASSIVE value by my superb karaoke performance, with
the crowd cheering and applauding on their feet, and my *perceived*
value to this girl shoots through the roof.
Now, I come in with this smug, arrogant attitude, busting her chops?
Not gonna work. By gaming her in the same way I would game a 9, I
ended up vaporizing what little there was of her ego, and blowing myself
I went home alone, pissed off at myself. If I had just calibrated properly
and toned it down from a 7 to a 4, I would have gotten laid.
So, in summary, when you encounter these types of girls, the best way to
proceed is to first calibrate what your value is relative to hers, then make
adjustments to bring yourself down to her level.
Otherwise, the chick is sitting there thinking, "This guy's a player. It's
obvious. If I sleep with this guy, he'll never call me again. Why is he even
talking to ME in the first place?"
The game you spit is the same, the difference lies in the TONE you
employ. You can say the same thing in all three tonalities: BR, NR, and
With the lower-value girls, I tend to stick with TR. This means (limited)
compliments, asking her a lot of questions even before the rapport stage,
and lowering my own value by talking about my insecurities. Note here
that I don't talk about lame-ass insecurites like, "I wet my bed." Instead, I
might say something like, "I'm afraid I won't reach my potential."
In a lot of respects, gaming these girls takes a lot MORE effort than
gaming a "9". When you approach a 9, that qualification switch is already
pre-flipped, eliminating the need for all this aforementioned nonsense.
Why deal with it at all, unless it's the only thing in the bar?
Consider this: are you going for these "lesser-quality" chicks because you
actually prefer them? Or is it a defense mechanism to rationalize feelings
of fear or undeservedness when it comes to approaching the hotter girls?
Don't get me wrong: I'm not trying to be confrontational or offensive. It's
just that I used to have the same problem.
I live in San Francisco. Back when I was starting out in the game and
wasn't having much success, I used to say, "There are no hot chicks in San
Francisco. It's not like L.A."
The funny thing is, once I had gotten with a few elite-quality girls, I
started to notice them EVERYWHERE. The whole time, I was fooling
myself in order to justify my fears.
Maybe I'm off-base here. But think about it.
Anyway, hope that helps.
.... LEARN more: From the best in England.
Get some training from these guys!!! You too will have the power if you have the will.
Posted by
9:14 AM
Labels: Intermediate: calibration
Friday, June 20, 2008
Seduction Dating Tips: Using NLP to improve your seduction skill with women.
Seduction and Dating: Using NLP to improve your seduction skill with women. Dating Tips for men.
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a powerful tool in many areas, from therapy, to sales, to self-improvement. As a powerful tool of influence, many man have asked how it can be applied to seducing women. It can be applied in simple ways with limited effect, or it can be used to make a woman desire you completely. Here is how to use NLP to seduce women1. Positive use of language
A simple but effective use of NLP is to make sure you never use negative language. Saying "today wasn't amazing, thinks didn't go as perfectly as I'd imagined" is so much better to hear than "today was awful, things went terribly". Just simply using positive words rather than negative words allows you to convey the same information without affecting the mood.
2. Pacing and leading
If she is speaking negatively, first pace it by agreeing and expanding on it, but then take charge and turn things positive by changing the subject or positively reframing the negative event. Pacing and leading also applies to energy and state. If she is cold with you, don't be loving with her, instead match her coldness and then slowly lead her into being seductive by slowly becoming seductive yourself. The same applies to if she is tired or bored, pace and then lead.
3. Mirroring and matching
When people spend a lot of time together, they tend to share mannerisms, reactions, vocabulary, and tone and speed of speech. You can see this with good friends, couples, and relatives. If you match and mirror someone, they will feel a lot more comfortable and relaxed with you and like they have known you longer. Do this by:
· Speaking at a similar speed, and using a similar amount of gestures.
· Feeding back the words they use in conversation.
· Mirroring the way they sit, the amount of eye contact, and the facial expression.
You can get away with a surprising amount of mirroring and matching - they don't seem to notice!
4. Anchoring
Anchoring is the process of linking a touch, sound, or visual input to an emotion. When the woman laughs, you can click your fingers, or touch her and it will anchor the emotion to the click or touch. Later you can try to re-trigger the emotion by simply firing the anchor - the touch or click. You can also anchor by playing songs when she is with you that she will later hear and associate to being with you.
5. Patterns
NLP patterns for seduction involve the use of language to bring out an emotion in the girl that is desirable given the current circumstances. An example of an NLP seduction pattern would be:
"Have you ever just met someone and almost immediately you start to feel incredibly comfortable like you've known this person forever and then as you just let the barriers drop and you let them more inside you start to naturally feel a sense of rightness, like this is meant to be".
For greater effect, the italicised words should be "marked out" by delivering them slightly differently.
NLP is a powerful tool of influence, and to land the girl of your dreams you are going to want to use all the tools at your disposal to maximise your chances. Work on the above techniques and your newfound success with women will surprise and delight you!
Approaching Confidence
Our Approaching CD uses NLP and hypnosis to improve your inner game and allow you to approach women confidently every time. Check it out here. My ebook expands greatly on NLP for innner and outer game and even features my secret pattern! If you like the stuff I give away for free in these short emails, you'll love my ebook. Check it out here.
Contact Us
If you want to become great with women and want to know the best way for you, get in touch with us: anytime. Gambler will personally respond to your message.
... LEARN more: From the best in England.
Get some training from these guys!!! You too will have the power if you have the will.
Posted by
11:27 AM
Labels: Intermediate: NLP
Thursday, June 19, 2008
How women interpret what men say, Dating Tips for men
How women interpret what men say, Dating Tips for men.
The first thing to remember is that when you
"ask a woman out," you IMMEDIATELY start a whole
chain of mental and emotional events for a woman.
She has to decide if she "likes you" and if
there could ever be anything between the two of
you... and if she's thirsty and interested in free
beer. You get my drift.
Women know when you're asking them "out out,"
as in you're asking them because you have a
"romantic interest."
Guess what?
When you do this, it ALSO puts the woman in the
driver's seat in the situation because she
instantly realizes that she has something you
want. Have you ever heard of "wanting it tax?"
It's when the price goes up the more you want it.
Now, as you probably know, I don't generally
think that it's such a great idea to date women
you WORK with, because you never know what's going
to happen, and the last thing you need is losing
your job or having to work for hours at a time in
an uncomfortable situation.
And besides, attractive women usually have
attractive FRIENDS, and if you're cool, the women
you work with can lead to an endless supply of
dates. Think it over.
You might want to think of it as a goose that
lays golden eggs.
Even though I don't advise dating women you
work with, I still want to address your basic
question of asking a woman out without creating
Remember, most guys do the exact same things.
They start talking to a woman, then say, "Hey, can
I take you out sometime?" or "Do you have a
This stuff is HORRIBLE.
It does exactly the wrong thing. It makes you
look like a wuss boy that needs a girlfriend. And
if she's not interested (which she probably won't
be), then it WILL create some discomfort in the
If it's a woman you know, tease her, bust on
her, and generally act like you don't care. Make a
comment about her and walk away. Be Cocky & Funny
when you're with her, and don't be boring.
Then, if she's responding positively (laughing,
hitting you, telling you that you're a pain,
etc.), then say, "Hey, do you have email?"
If she does, have her write it down, then say,
From a MAN'S perspective this might not seem
any different than just asking a woman out.
But, from the WOMAN'S perspective it's VERY
First of all, you've never shown her any
romantic interest, which doesn't give up your
power in the situation, and hand it all to her.
Secondly, instead of putting "dating" pressure
on her, you've only asked her for her email
address (and maybe her number as well).
But you HAVEN'T asked her on a date, you
HAVEN'T created any kinds of weird vibes in the
air, and you HAVE made her wonder what you have in
It's powerful, think about it.
Hey There,
Ok So I am a butch lesbian who has recently
subscribed to your mailbag. Ok I am totally
fascinated by you and what u have to say. I am
planning on getting your book next week actually.
I have used your tips about getting the phone
numbers by asking the girl if they have email. Ok
that works like a charm, i haven't yet not got a
phone number. So Just to let you know, you advice
works for butch lesbians too! ok but here is my
prob. I met this girl and i got her email addy,
phone number and s/n. Well I didn't want to be
like everyone else and call her so i sent her an
instant message. Well finally she wanted to call
me. My response was I hope your not a stalker,
trying to be funny and cute. Well she called and
we talked forever, i couldn't get the girl off the
phone. Now she calls me like 5 times a day. She
really likes me, she has admitted it and she broke
up with her g/f so she could see where things go
with me. I like her a lot and i want to see where
things go, but her ex is a threat to me and her ex
might want her back. I've also made the mistake of
telling her i like her, so I'm thinking she may
become "in control." My question is what do I do
next? Meaning how do i get that control back, do i
continue acting like i want her, or should i talk
about other girls? Also what about the ex? do i
make it a threat or what. Also she is jealous b/c
her best friend also likes me. Anyways, any advice
u may have for me, i would appreciate it.
Much Appreciation CNS Georgia
This is great.
You know, if I PAID people to write this stuff
it couldn't possibly be this good.
I have this secret lesbian fan base that only
breaks the silence occasionally when the situation
gets really critical. Love it.
OK, here are a couple of thoughts:
1) If she has an ex who's in the picture, keep
your distance and make her pursue you.
I have PERSONALLY made the mistake of acting
CLINGY when an ex turns up in the picture and
tries to get a woman back.
It's generally not a good idea.
The best thing you can do is what you're
already doing... tease her and let her pursue YOU.
If she's busy pursuing you, she'll be thinking
about you, wondering what you're doing, wondering
why you're so busy, etc., and won't have the
attention for the ex.
On the other hand, if you start pursuing HER,
then she'll have to "decide between which one she
Not a good position to put yourself in. And
it's MUCH less interesting for her as well.
2) If her friend also likes you, that can be a
GOOD thing.
Jealousy is a very interesting emotion.
It's not something you want to use to
manipulate another person, but if the situation
creates it naturally, that's another thing
If you have someone who is interested in you,
and that person knows that others are also
interested, it only makes them like you more.
...You know, someday I'm going to have to do a
Double Your Dating LESBIAN SUMMIT, so I can be
stuck in some resort somewhere with 100 lesbian
women who need dating advice.
I would have to say something male and
insensitive like that, wouldn't I?
The Secrets of the Alpha Man program is THE map to finding yours. How to be sexual and turn her on.
Posted by
7:23 AM
Labels: Intermediate: How women read us
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
What do women really think or want? Dating Tips for men.
What do women really think or want? Dating Tips for men.
If you really want to know how to pick up
a woman, you have to know how one thinks.
See - hot chicks get approached by guys
So much so, that it actually becomes a
bother to them!It's the guys who know and understand how the
girl thinks that have the advantage.
That begs the question - how the heck are guys
supposed to get inside the mind of a woman?
And once there, what's to know other than
"I like shoes" and "does my ass look fat?"
Well - let me tell you something... when you
have as much experience with women as I do,
you begin to realize that nothing helps you
to understand women better than an actual
woman who knows how a MAN thinks!
This is really key...
In my interview series The Secret Files, I
interview lots of girls to gain insight into
how they think - all so you can have an
advantage when it comes to other women.
BUT - most of these girls have never really
taken the time to figure out how guys operate.
When you find a woman who knows BOTH sides
of the story - the hot girl's perspective,
AND the guy's perspective, that's when you
get some amazing insights.
I'm happy to say, I've found this woman.
Her name is Shelley McMurtry, and she's a
hot little number from Texas.
She's young, attractive, and successful. And
she has a unique perspective on how not only
guys can pick up hot girls like her, but how
those girls will react to what you do!
Because of this, she can really give you some
killer insights into what you can do to increase
your success with women.
The Secrets of the Alpha Man program is THE map to finding yours. How to be sexual and turn her on.
Carlos Xuma
Dating Advice for Men
Read moreLearn more: The Secrets of the Alpha Male

Posted by
7:29 AM
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Seduction tips: How to spark instant attraction with women.
Seduction and Dating advice, How to spark instant attraction with women,.
by Tyler Derden
Here's something that I've been noticing lately in
the field that I think has a lot of relevance.
Have you ever been in a scenario where you're
talking to a girl and she'll all of a sudden say
something along the lines of, "If you do X, Y, Z,
I'll leave"? Like, seemingly out of the blue?I've seen it plenty. I used to think this was some
sort of challenge to my "alphaness" or something...
like, if I did what she said, I'd be supplicating
and then I'd lose the girl.
What I've come to understand is that this was not,
in actuality, some kind of test. It was legitimate.
What it meant was that she was in state, and that if
you said something to break her state that she would
come out of it and her social conditioning to get
the hell out of there would kick in.
This phenomenon is related to something we at RSD
call "blueprints".
What blueprints are, basically, are a set of value
calibrators and emotional precursors that girls
need to feel (usually related to value calibrations
in the interaction), in order to feel attraction.
This causes them to go into state, and makes them
practically lose control over themselves.
What happens when you SNAP the blueprint, is that
they walk off.
This is why many of you who have been in the field
a long time have had experiences where you're cool
with a girl for a few hours, and something goes
wrong and she walks off and doesn't care if she
ever sees you again. Like, she almost blocks you
out of her reality.
It's kind of weird, and frustrating, but there are
reasons for this.
For example, I remember being in Ibiza on the
beach, and there is this girl being a total brat. I
was with her for about 6 hours at this point. She's
deeply in state, and saying things like "I saw this
movie where these teenagers had sex on the beach. I
don't think we should do that."
Now I haven't kissed her, or done anything other
than hang out with her.
But you can feel her
subconscious mind is saturated with sex. She's
trying to resist it because she just met me, but her
emotions are telling her to do it and they are
taking over her logical mind.
Anyway, this girl is being a brat, and she tries to
shove sand down my throat. I grab a handful of sand
to shove back at her, and she says "If you do that,
this is over".
Now most guys think "This is a test! Shove the sand
down her throat like she was trying to do to me."
No. Bad bad bad.
If you do that, she'll lose state because she is
more concentrated on the sand being down her throat
than she is on what's happening between you and her,
and then she'll lose state.
Moreover, she may have done that to LOWER my value,
in order to calibrate things so that we can hook up.
This is counter-intuitive, but is related to female
psyche and social conditioning.
It's all blueprints.
That said, guys are very focused on girls "losing
state" as if it's a continual fire they have to keep
This is SORT OF true, but not really.
Because if your value is high enough, her mind is
still working overdrive to keep rapport with you, so
laying back is not an issue.
For guys who do not have this social value though
(yet), then they may not be so easily able to lay
back, because then the girl will just be like "Umm,
he's not that cool, and this has lost my interest,
so I'm going to chase the next shiny thing."
With blueprints, girls are evaluating behavior
patterns (mainly value calibrations), and deciding
whether or not to hook up with you (or more likely,
early on, just to talk to you, to giggle at you or
not, to have big eyes for you or not, to be focused
on you or not, to touch you or not, etc etc etc...)
So you might get attraction as soon as you say "Hey
guys". They'll be snapping their heads to talk to
you, smiling, touching you, before you'd even gone
any further. For other girls, they might not even
show attraction for 2 or 3 minutes. But then they
see something in your behaviour patterns that they
like, and POW they have attraction.
The key is to stay composed AS IF YOU ARE NOT
KNOW WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE, and to keep leading the
interaction until they crack and become contributive.
What that means is that you just keep leading the
conversation, and expect very little from her other
than illusionary input where you actually laid out
her answer for her but just added it in as a way of
spinning the conversation.
A common way that guys blow it is that they expect
fast attraction, and then they lose their composure
if they don't get it.
But the thing is that because of social conditioning,
girls actually pathologically deny the existence of
what we call "indicators of interest". Like, they'll
say "I wasn't attracted to that guy", who they
showed major indicators of interest for.
That's why guys can screw up if they take a girl out
for a "date" at a club. The girl may chat other guys
while she's there, and show attraction, but the girl
THINKS that you don't know what indicators of
interest look like.
So if you get all upset that she's chatting other
guys, then she thinks you're an idiot because in her
mind all that she thinks you saw was her just
chatting (even though you saw a lot more because of
your experience in the game).
So the same goes for when you open, if you don't get
attraction. You just pretend like you don't realize
it, and keep leading the interaction until you get
those indicators of interest.
In other words, you are the kind of guy who is
confident and not SEEKING interest, which most
skilled players aren't - which is natural because
they are more informed than the average guy.
But it's ironic that the average guy might actually
get more success because he's clueless and just
assumes that all girls like him, and thus stays in
set longer and turns them around more gradually,
like a nice slow roast instead of a nuclear pressure
cooker that burns the outside of the turkey before
the inside can even unthaw.
So what I'm talking about here is also related to a
major difference in the inner game of a guy like
myself or my friends, and guys who are more green to
the game.
A guy who is good in field has integrated as a part
of his belief system that attraction is just
generated by his behaviour patterns, and if the girl
isn't reacting properly he doesn't get all "Ohhhh
I'm soooo sad" or whatever.
He just keeps going.
Like, if a girl walks off on me, I'm not thinking,
"Ooooohhh I'm such a loser."
I'm thinking "If I follow her and start yelling
funny stories at her, can I engage a blueprint and
make her stop and turn the set around".
That is why I will push every set HARD.
I am extremely persistent in set.
I calculate my sets like with a formula like "I have
30 seconds until she gets to her car while she's
running away from me. Can I trigger a blueprint in
under 29 seconds??"
(note: I'M JOKING... um, sort of.. ahem - don't do
this unless you know what you're doing).
So for that reason, I'm not getting approach fear or
my panties in a knot if I have an off night.
I still have off nights, and they are usually
dependent on how much I've slept and how crisp my
voice is. Also, my mood, which my energy levels
(including my voice) affect.
For the most part though, I can plow through it, and
do decent, even if its not amazing. Just so long as
I'm cool with that when I go out, I don't mind.
But if I go out with high expectations and I have a
totally weak night, then I'm disappointed.
Either way, these things will have a huge effect on
my value calibrations. Like, if I go out feeling
kickass, I will communicate high value.
But I'm not a state-dependent PUA either. Like, I'm
not one of those "I'm not in the mood" guys who
would rather argue for 10 minutes over why not to
approach than to just go and crash and burn the set.
I'll still go in and just blow it, rather than sit
there wondering what will happen.
Those guys who tell me "They're not in the mood"
make no sense to me because its easier to just go
in and blow the set than it is to argue about it and
talk about it for 10 minutes.
Anyway, points of this whole rant:
=> There are blueprints in female psych.
=> Whether or not a girl likes you means
NOTHING. Just barrel through until she sees
something she likes. Do this by leading the
conversation until she becomes contributive.
.... LEARN more: From the best in England.
Get some training from these guys!!! You too will have the power if you have the will.
Posted by
7:27 AM
Monday, June 16, 2008
Using Confident to impress woman, Seduction Tips for men.
Using Confident to impress woman, Dating and seduction Tips for men.
There are a lot of guys out there with conflicting messages
regarding what it is and isn't like to be "Alpha."
As in "Alpha Man" or "Alpha Male."
Let's start right off by saying that "Alpha" behavior is NOT bad.It is NOT what you see animals doing in their nasty time in the zoo.
It's NOT attacking a tribe and killing all the young, or any weird
stuff like that.
Look, "Alpha" just means the dominant male (and sometimes the
female) in a group.
It's the person that is most likely to procreate and get their genes
into the next round of the "Keep-the-species-alive" game.
So it really does make sense for you to get successful with
women if you think about it like this. If you don't find a woman
to mate with and create little teeny versions of you, then your
family line ends with you.
Scary thought, isn't it?
Do you deserve to have your genetic legacy carried on into the next
I hope so. And more importantly, I hope YOU believe so.
Here are a few things an Alpha Man IS:
- Clever/smart/cunning - He's got a real keen mind...
- Ambitious - He wants more in life than just the "average..."
- Excited - He wants to live life for fun and adventure...
- Honorable - He's got values and principles and morals...
- Dominant - He's not aggressive, but has superior social skills...
- Stable - He's not into extreme or life-threatening behaviors...
- Fit - He's got a health lifestyle...
- Curious - He wants to know more and grow more...
- Balanced - He understands that life is about harmony...
- Natural - He's not trying to be someone he's not...
- Positive - He tries to see things from the good side as much as possible...
Now those are just some of the things that make up a good Alpha Lifestyle.
Not every guy has them. In fact, every guy needs to work on these.
Even me. Every day I find new ways to improve my "Alpha Character"
in one or more of these critical areas.
It took me a little while to build them, but it was worth it.
And these qualities are what women are looking for in YOU.
I will talk about these, as well as the real-life exercises I'll
give you to move you forward with confidence, women, and everywhere
in life you want to go.
Here are a few things an Alpha Man is NOT:
- Aggressive
- Angry at women
- Verbally abusive
- Arrogant
- Obnoxious
There seems to be some confusion (and most of it is created by
other guys hoping to cash in on your confusion) about what it means
to be a STRONG and masculine man in today's society.
I'm not going to throw you more of that evolutionary stuff
because it really doesn't matter. When you think about it, it just
makes sense that we want to be around people who appear or
demonstrate more social value than us. It's because we naturally
want to latch on to their power.
Again, it all comes back to POWER.
So being an "Alpha" doesn't mean you're dragging women back to a
... or that you're being an aggressive, pushy jerk.
... or that you're being forceful and mean.
... or that you're inconsiderate.
... or that you're acting like a brutish animal.
It means that you understand the basic and PRIMAL reasons a woman is
attracted to a man, and you're not afraid to BE a man.
Because if there's one thing a woman does NOT want it's a cardboard,
one-dimensional wimp that's afraid to let women know he desires them.
You see, there are only two motivating forces in life:
Desire for pleasure...
Fear of pain.
Write these down somewhere, because you'll be seeing them now
in all areas of your life.
Pleasure & Pain.
That's it. We are motivated purely by what we feel we WANT (the
pleasurable stuff), and what we feel we most want to avoid (the
painful stuff).
Fear is a stronger motivator for humans because it helped us
survive potentially life-threatening situations. You're smart to
fear wild animals, or large trains speeding toward you. You can't
afford the luxury of thinking too much in these situations. A delay could
cost you your life.
On the other hand, in our modern society, there isn't much you need
to fear. In fact, we fear too much already.
You have so much free time now that you have more than enough
time to think about all those scary possibilities out there.
Now this might not seem like it's important to how you attract
the ladies, but it is.
Stay with me...
The fear that is most crippling to you is the fear of LOSS.
Everyone's favorite short green dude, Yoda, even said it in one of
the Star Wars flicks...
"Fear of loss leads to the dark side."
And so it does. It leads you down a path where you never gain
because you're too afraid of losing what you have.
An Alpha Man understands that the only way to live is to wake up
each day and understand that everything you have was just given
to you for today. And when he goes to sleep at night, he gives it
all back.
Lose this attachment to your possessions before THEY possess YOU...
Whoah, I'm getting very philosophical here. I really wanted to
give you some practical strategies for getting more success with
What I'm trying to get across to you here is that you should avoid
becoming attached to your old ways of doing things
You can't even get attached to words...
Trust your own intelligence to figure out what an Alpha Man REALLY
He's the next evolutionary step in your development.
And he's already inside of you. It just takes a little work to let this
instinct out so that you can become the COMPLETE you.
There are a lot of guys out there who haven't been able to open
themselves up to letting out this TRUE nature inside them. They
hide it behind "Politically Correct" B.S. about not hurting other
people's feelings, or being sensitive.
It's really a fear to let other people see the REAL you. The man
that wants to achieve.
The man that wants women in his life.
The man that wants monetary success.
The man that wants power over the forces of life that seem to
control him.
The man that wants to project and show his personality, not
cover it up with a bunch of phony lines and routines.
Forget about all this "Alpha" talk and just open your mind up to
finding this part of you that isn't held back by fear, and is ready
to reach out for understanding that could - and will - change your
life for the better.
So on one hand we have the lowly "average guy", or non-Alpha. He's
a little insecure, possibly low self-esteem, but he really WANTS
to grow and change.
On the other hand we have the Alpha, the confident and
assertive man with healthy communication and
There is only one direction of growth here, and it's
from the Chump to the Alpha.
What is the Alpha?
I'll tell you more about it your next lesson...
Your friend,
The Secrets of the Alpha Man program is THE map to finding yours. How to be sexual and turn her on.
Carlos Xuma
Dating Advice for Men
Read moreLearn more: The Secrets of the Alpha Male
Posted by
6:43 AM
Labels: Intermediate: Using confident
Friday, June 13, 2008
How to talk to any beautiful women, Seduction and Dating Tips:
Seduction Tips: The Art of Conversation with hot women, Dating Tips for men
Remember that hot blonde you saw at the bar last night? Put yourself in her shoes for a moment. You're standing there, minding your business with your equally hot girlfriends, and a guy you've never met before comes up to you. He tries to get you into a conversation. It's obvious that he's not your normal type, but there's something unusual about him - so you don't immediately shoot him down. He's more interesting than the other fifty guys you've already brushed off. He's got an unusual opening line and, after a couple of minutes, you're hooked. You feel an unmistakable urge to give him your phone number. You can't help looking into his eyes. His lips look kissable. This is amazing - you've never met anyone like him before.Then he asks you if you come here often.
That old chestnut? "No," you reply. What else can you say?
He looks confused. He asks what you do.
Your heart sinks. All that mystique he had is vanishing. "I'm a model," you say.
"That's...interesting," he says.
Here it comes: the awkward pause. He looks nervous. He starts to shuffle and fidget. You're disappointed; he looked like he was going to be different but he's just like all the rest. You blow him off.
Been there before? I know I have. Is it any wonder girls find this a total turn-off? It's all very well memorizing a few interesting openers and nailing your approach. That gets you into conversation with a girl. It's just the first stage. You're not going to actually close anyone unless you can master the art of conversation. That might sound difficult, but it doesn't have to be. There are some simple rules you can follow that will improve your game one hundred percent. Try these the next time you are out:
1. Avoid hairdresser conversation
Think back to the last time you had your hair cut. What kind of conversation did you have with your stylist (you are going to a stylist, right?) What kind of questions did he ask? I bet it was a boring and logical and it did nothing more than encourage one-word answers. How was it? Boring, boring, boring! The New York Times says that a good-looking girl will be approached an average of forty times every time she goes to a club. Can you blame her for blowing you out if you ask her if she comes here often? The true PUA doesn't ask predictable questions that generate predictable responses. Conversations with him are interesting, dynamic and empathetic. They are never boring.
2. Don't interview her
Don't ask a question and then fire off another. This isn't a job interview. It's really simple; ask her an interesting question and then have the confidence to listen to her answer without scrabbling around for something else to ask before she's even finished. You need to pay attention; she'll give you plenty of directions to take the conversation.
When you get really good, you can avoid asking questions altogether. Try making a statement about her and encouraging her to agree or disagree. You don't need to be a cold reading guru to pull this off; it doesn't matter if your statement is correct. Even if you are miles off, she'll still want to correct you. And once you've got her talking, the game is on. Go for it!
3. Avoid the obvious
Be original. Come out with something she's never heard before. Don't compliment her on her dress, her shoes, her eyes. She gets that every night. And unless you are into the later stages of a seduction, firing out compliments is going to lower your value in her eyes. AFCs do that - you don't. You're different, right?
4. Be prepared: arm yourself with interesting answers to standard questions
You're going to be a conversational expert if you follow these rules, but she probably won't be. Once you've got her hooked, and she starts asking you questions (remember, that's an IOI), chances are she'll ask you some very predictable questions: name, age, occupation - you get the drift. Since you know these questions are coming, why not get some interesting answers ready? You've memorized your openers, right? Now memorize some impressive answers. If the conversation gets boring, she'll blame you - even if it's her fault. Don't let that happen!
5. Talk with passion
Let yourself go. If you talk about something passionately, it'll automatically give the conversation fizz and sparkle. Plus, remember that ninety percent of communication is non-verbal. Don't be afraid to use your body to emphasize points. If you can talk with passion about things you care about, it draws people in. If you enjoy something, let it show, be expressive, use visual and emotive language. People get caught up in it and start to feel good too. When they feel good, they will want to talk to you more. It's not rocket science.
Do these things and you will be much more interesting, not just with women, but with everyone. Because most people don't follow these rules, it's easy to stand out.
I can only give you brief tips in these emails. If you want to really get to grips with mastering conversation, you should think about checking out our home study course. We look at conversation extensively, and give students a battery of hints and tips on how to be a gripping raconteur, as well as dynamite techniques that will send your confidence through the roof. One of the really fun things we do is to give guys the chance to talk to five really hot girls. Apart from priming them for night game, it gives them a chance to get used to talking to pretty girls in a non-threatening environment. The instructors and the girls then offer feedback on how they felt during the conversation. No-one else does this - and, almost without exception, the guys love it. Drop me an email at if you'd like to know more about our bootcamps and what you can expect.
Visit the Secret Members area inside the PUATrainingvault at: for PUA audio, live PU video and pictures of HBs.
Until next time,
... LEARN more: From the best in England.
Get some training from these guys!!! You too will have the power if you have the will.
Posted by
7:03 AM
Labels: beginner: art of conversation
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Dating Tips for men: Use Your Natural Charisma To Get Girls!
Dating Tips for men: Use Your Natural Charisma To Get Girls!
I have a question for you:
Have you ever approached a woman, gotten a good
initial reaction, and ejected before it could go bad?
Why do we do this?Are we so desperate to stay in the good mood that we
established by getting a decent initial reaction
from the chick, that we'd sacrifice a possible lay
just to take the SURE THING that we'll stay in a
good mood?
Are we really like that?
ANSWER: I think that psychologically, we all cope by
building a self-image for ourselves.
Teenagers will turn goth, or prep, or find cliques,
or get really into a pro sports team, or get really
into a certain type of music, or get involved with
We did this stuff because we struggled to find our
As we get older, we find our own identity and it's
typically more sophisticated than when we were
However, it's still how we GET BY psychologically.
So in a lot of ways, it's no better, but just further
Follow me here.
NOBODY likes to think of themselves as "bad with
women", because we NEED to feel desirable as a
FUNDAMENTAL part of our self-identity.
To feel undesirable sexually would imply MANY MANY
BAD THINGS about ourselves, including bad genetics,
bad personality, bad social intelligence, bad
upbringing, etc.
This is why if you tell guys you study seduction,
they freak out and get all pissy. Because to imply
that they would need HELP with their desirability is
to imply MANY bad things about them.
That's why guys who you can be cool to talk about
practically *anything* with, who are perfectly cool
guys when it comes to ANY other topic than this,
can't take it when you say "hey man check this stuff
Now, a KEY thing to consider:
The main problem with how we control our state is
that when we approach a woman, our fear is massively
In fact, fear is built to prevent us from being HURT.
But ironically, our fear of approaching women
actually HURTS US, while actually approaching HELPS
But yet, we feel fear.
Our ego can't stand the punishment.
We have a self-image that we've developed, and it
sure doesn't include being a guy who women SNUB.
But back to the main point.
In my opinion, a big key to state-control is
RECOGNITION of the fact that our fear is based on
the threat to our self image (or ego).
Then, in RECOGNITION of this phenomenon, we have to
rework our self-image NOT to include our
desirability to women.
Because we realize that practically NO guys, even
good looking guys, are actually able to pick up
random women on a consistent basis, in the way that
we're learning to do here.
And in recognition of this REALITY about the world,
we can accept that, statistically, practically
NOBODY is good with women, and FREE OURSELVES to do
mass approaches and learn the skillset.
We have to see things as they are.
Only then can we free ourselves of the threat to our
self-image, since we understand that there is no
correlation between our self-image and any
particular woman's reaction to us.
In fact, our self-image should even become BRUISED
when we chicken out from approaches, because that's
the real thing to be ashamed of, given that there's
so little correlation between our "desirability" and
our actual ability to pick-up new, random women.
Furthermore, having fear implies that we're STUPID,
because we aren't able to make the link between
REALITY and how it doesn't actually correspond to our
self-image in the way that we seem to NEED to delude
ourselves into thinking it does, in a desperate
attempt to preserve our emotional well-being.
So with this RE-ASSESSMENT of our self-image, we can
realize that fear of playing pickup can be easily,
INSTANTLY dealt with.
We can even apply this to other areas of our lives,
and at least make the effort to recognize the MANY
areas in which we delude ourselves, and to try to
gain self-awareness that will bring us closer to
equilibrium with our environments and the world that
we've been thrown into.
The more that we acknowledge where we've deluded
ourselves for the sole sake of preserving a FALSE
self-image, the more we can improve ourselves in the
REAL WORLD, and not just in our heads.
Why do this? Because on a subconscious level we know
that we're lying to ourselves, and it comes through
in the form of depression.
So by aspiring and genuinely attempting to recognize
this and to gain self knowledge, we begin to PURGE
ourselves of this BULLSHIT.
That's when we begin to emit an *aura* that people
are irresistably drawn to.
Notice how some people just rub you the wrong way,
but you can't explain why?
Notice there are some other guys that EVERYONE just
wants to be around?
Those guys are the ones who have come closer to this
equilibrium with the REAL WORLD and the one that
they perceive in THEIR MINDS.
And those are the guys who have potential to be
AMAZING PUAs, because they have ultimate state
They are ultimately comfortable with THEMSELVES, and
it comes through with women.
That's the first step: psychologically liberating
yourself, giving yourself the permission to be
comfortable doing mass approaches and learn the
skill set.
From there, it's just a matter of getting the
interactions under your belt, seeing what works, and
discarding what doesn't until it becomes second
Unfortunately, this process can sometimes take
several YEARS.
That's several years of hunting and pecking in
relative darkness, trying to stumble upon the
patterns that exist in all social interactions.
Several years of brutal crash and burns.
Don't get me wrong, I went through this process
myself... and to be fair, I kind of enjoyed it. Then
again, several of my associates have suggested I'm a
closet masochist, so take that with a grain of salt.
The point is, it's a journey, not a destination.
The decision you have to make is this: do you want to
travel in an old, rusty station wagon or a brand-new
sports car?
The Secrets of the Alpha Man program is THE map to finding yours. How to be sexual and turn her on.
Carlos Xuma
Dating Advice for Men
Learn how to attract women:
Read moreLearn more: The Secrets of the Alpha Male
Posted by
7:27 AM
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
What can we all learn from James Bond to pick up women.
What can we all learn from James Bond to pick up women.
*If you're sick of people talking about James Bond and how he gets all the ladies... THEN skip this (come back and read it), go midway down and learn how I jumped backwards off a 10-story bridge outside Los Angeles.**James Bond... I'm over it!
How sick are you of the advice "Be like James Bond... elusive, direct, charismatic and edgy." The advice is about as old as the first edition of Double Your Dating. There is some truth in it still, but here's my take on it:
As I looked back on my lifestyle I was majorly disappointed by the lack of excitement I exhibited on a daily basis. About 8 years ago now, I woke up each morning slowly dragging my over-tired body out of bed, dreading what the day would hold for me. I didn't necessarily dread the day, but it didn't have that feeling of "zing" like I thought my life should.
The exciting part of my day would be driving to work, cycling between the three mediocre restaurants or even worse... the fast food joints, then clicking around on the computer until I found something fun to look at on the web, then heading home, watching an episode of 24, eating a boring meal, then watching a Late Night program only to put my head down on the pillow and start it all over again the next day.
Don't get me started on the self-pity I would feel on the weekends...
As I look back, I can see clearly the reasons I didn't have the women who I have in my life now. I was a boring, unadventurous guy who liked to stay in my boring, unadventurous area of comfort.
If I had a date, it would consist of going to a familiar restaurant and trying to impress a woman with what I knew about life. How incredibly sad I was. Is that the way we should be living our short lives?I decided to make a change!
I needed to become adventurous. A woman clings to James Bond like her very life depends on it, and he's adventurous so... A + B = C.
I started mixing things up, meeting people in different places, taking risks and spicing up my life with specs of randomness.
I noticed a dramatic change...
I interacted with women, it was easier and smoother, and I had more fun doing it.
What was it about living a life of adventure that was doing this?
Being Adventurous Helps You In Three Ways:
1. You start living with passion, which makes you positive.
2. You start having interesting things to talk about, because you're experiencing new things.
3. You start having an unpredictable nature, which makes women feel alive.Just like you, women are bored!
Hell... most people are BORED OUT OF THEIR MINDS. People are waiting for someone to add a slice of "interesting" to their mundane existence.
In the Badboy Lifestyles Seduction Guide I list a few other traits you should have, which I can't go into too much detail here but are as EQUALLY important as "Being Adventurous" and if James Bond had these qualities, well then... he wouldn't need a script.
Back on topic, if you want to be adventurous in a non-silly way follow a few of these points taken straight from the Badboy Lifestyles Seduction Guide (page 35):
Being an adventurous guy represents good sex and a lot of adrenaline and emotions in the relationship. Being with a guy who is adventurous is always interesting, refreshing and full of new things. That's why women have such a turn on towards adventurous guys. You bring excitement to their lives. If you want to be a guy like that, for starters, simply don't do things that everybody else does. That means if the normal date is to go for coffee or to the movies, do something different, something more physical. Take her to mini golf or bungee jumping. You will be shocked by how much they appreciate this. This is because they always get asked to coffee or a movie. I sometimes feel sorry for them. Most guys have no imagination or creativity at all. Be different, do something different. And tailor it to your life and who you are.
How I Jumped Backwards Off A Bridge
I went Bungee Jumping on my recent trip to Los Angeles, at a place called "The Bridge To Nowhere." It's the only place in California where you can legally bungee jump.
Back in the 1930s, the US Government was in the process of building a highway through the mountains outside Azusa, California to connect the San Gabriel Valley to Wrightwood on the other side of the mountains to the east. It was a grand feat but when the floods hit in early March, 1938 the plans were deserted because of the mass destruction to the rest of the roads connecting the bridge.
After hiking over 4 miles I finally arrived at the arch bridge that connect 100 foot cliffs on either side. I jumped over 10 stories with a few different jumps with the most exhilarating called the elevator drop. The elevator drop is stepping backwards and free falling for a few seconds while having your hands behind you looking up at the bottom of the bridge and then trying to touch the bottom of the bridge on your rebound. I didn't touch the bottom, but got oohhhh so close.
Is that a story to tell a woman? When you live a life of adventure you become instantly attractive and more appealing to EVERYONE AROUND YOU.
How many other traits are EASY and FUN to implement in your own life like that was in mine?
Being adventurous is just one of these ATTRACTION TRIGGERS that makes dating beautiful women a goal you can reach.
Are you limiting your potential with women because you don't know the step-by-step methods to go about it?
Now is the time to take a leap of faith, like my elevator drop off the Bridge To Nowhere, that will fill your life with excitement, passion and obviously... WOMEN.
Do yourself an instant favor, seize the day and download the Badboy Lifestyles Seduction Guide now and plan out your step-by-step path to accomplishing the success that awaits you with women.
Don't waste the excitement you currently feel and delete this email... act on it and carpe diem.
Till next time,
P.S. Did you read the story of how I jumped backwards off a bridge? If not, it's killer and worth your time. Just scroll up and read it.
P.P.S. Do you want to know how to implement adventure into your life? Download the Badboy Lifestyles Seduction Guide instantly and start achieving your success with women.
Your power is going to come from feeling happy, and in control of your life.By
By Badboy
Boys from these Camps are the best I've ever encounter! Want video coaching clips? Check out the free Badboy Lifestyle School!
Posted by
7:01 AM
Labels: attraction: be adventurous