Wednesday, June 11, 2008

What can we all learn from James Bond to pick up women.

What can we all learn from James Bond to pick up women.

*If you're sick of people talking about James Bond and how he gets all the ladies... THEN skip this (come back and read it), go midway down and learn how I jumped backwards off a 10-story bridge outside Los Angeles.**

James Bond... I'm over it!

How sick are you of the advice "Be like James Bond... elusive, direct, charismatic and edgy." The advice is about as old as the first edition of Double Your Dating. There is some truth in it still, but here's my take on it:

As I looked back on my lifestyle I was majorly disappointed by the lack of excitement I exhibited on a daily basis. About 8 years ago now, I woke up each morning slowly dragging my over-tired body out of bed, dreading what the day would hold for me. I didn't necessarily dread the day, but it didn't have that feeling of "zing" like I thought my life should.

The exciting part of my day would be driving to work, cycling between the three mediocre restaurants or even worse... the fast food joints, then clicking around on the computer until I found something fun to look at on the web, then heading home, watching an episode of 24, eating a boring meal, then watching a Late Night program only to put my head down on the pillow and start it all over again the next day.

Don't get me started on the self-pity I would feel on the weekends...

As I look back, I can see clearly the reasons I didn't have the women who I have in my life now. I was a boring, unadventurous guy who liked to stay in my boring, unadventurous area of comfort.

If I had a date, it would consist of going to a familiar restaurant and trying to impress a woman with what I knew about life. How incredibly sad I was. Is that the way we should be living our short lives?

I decided to make a change!

I needed to become adventurous. A woman clings to James Bond like her very life depends on it, and he's adventurous so... A + B = C.

I started mixing things up, meeting people in different places, taking risks and spicing up my life with specs of randomness.

I noticed a dramatic change...

I interacted with women, it was easier and smoother, and I had more fun doing it.

What was it about living a life of adventure that was doing this?

Being Adventurous Helps You In Three Ways:

1. You start living with passion, which makes you positive.
2. You start having interesting things to talk about, because you're experiencing new things.
3. You start having an unpredictable nature, which makes women feel alive.

Just like you, women are bored!

Hell... most people are BORED OUT OF THEIR MINDS. People are waiting for someone to add a slice of "interesting" to their mundane existence.

In the Badboy Lifestyles Seduction Guide I list a few other traits you should have, which I can't go into too much detail here but are as EQUALLY important as "Being Adventurous" and if James Bond had these qualities, well then... he wouldn't need a script.

Back on topic, if you want to be adventurous in a non-silly way follow a few of these points taken straight from the Badboy Lifestyles Seduction Guide (page 35):

Being an adventurous guy represents good sex and a lot of adrenaline and emotions in the relationship. Being with a guy who is adventurous is always interesting, refreshing and full of new things. That's why women have such a turn on towards adventurous guys. You bring excitement to their lives. If you want to be a guy like that, for starters, simply don't do things that everybody else does. That means if the normal date is to go for coffee or to the movies, do something different, something more physical. Take her to mini golf or bungee jumping. You will be shocked by how much they appreciate this. This is because they always get asked to coffee or a movie. I sometimes feel sorry for them. Most guys have no imagination or creativity at all. Be different, do something different. And tailor it to your life and who you are.

How I Jumped Backwards Off A Bridge

I went Bungee Jumping on my recent trip to Los Angeles, at a place called "The Bridge To Nowhere." It's the only place in California where you can legally bungee jump.

Back in the 1930s, the US Government was in the process of building a highway through the mountains outside Azusa, California to connect the San Gabriel Valley to Wrightwood on the other side of the mountains to the east. It was a grand feat but when the floods hit in early March, 1938 the plans were deserted because of the mass destruction to the rest of the roads connecting the bridge.

After hiking over 4 miles I finally arrived at the arch bridge that connect 100 foot cliffs on either side. I jumped over 10 stories with a few different jumps with the most exhilarating called the elevator drop. The elevator drop is stepping backwards and free falling for a few seconds while having your hands behind you looking up at the bottom of the bridge and then trying to touch the bottom of the bridge on your rebound. I didn't touch the bottom, but got oohhhh so close.


Is that a story to tell a woman? When you live a life of adventure you become instantly attractive and more appealing to EVERYONE AROUND YOU.
How many other traits are EASY and FUN to implement in your own life like that was in mine?
Being adventurous is just one of these ATTRACTION TRIGGERS that makes dating beautiful women a goal you can reach.

Are you limiting your potential with women because you don't know the step-by-step methods to go about it?
Now is the time to take a leap of faith, like my elevator drop off the Bridge To Nowhere, that will fill your life with excitement, passion and obviously... WOMEN.
Do yourself an instant favor, seize the day and download the Badboy Lifestyles Seduction Guide now and plan out your step-by-step path to accomplishing the success that awaits you with women.
Don't waste the excitement you currently feel and delete this email... act on it and carpe diem.
Till next time,


P.S. Did you read the story of how I jumped backwards off a bridge? If not, it's killer and worth your time. Just scroll up and read it.

P.P.S. Do you want to know how to implement adventure into your life? Download the Badboy Lifestyles Seduction Guide instantly and start achieving your success with women.
Your power is going to come from feeling happy, and in control of your life.By

By Badboy

Boys from these Camps are the best I've ever encounter! Want video coaching clips? Check out the free Badboy Lifestyle School!

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